Hi everyone,
Today was incredibly, ridiculously, exhaustingly long. That is all.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Guilty Sleep
Hi everybody,
I honestly hate that, as a human, you have to sleep as I will probably not be getting any tonight. I've got so much homework. It makes me feel guilty that I took some time for myself yesterday. That was stupid. And of course I'm getting tired. Ug...
I honestly hate that, as a human, you have to sleep as I will probably not be getting any tonight. I've got so much homework. It makes me feel guilty that I took some time for myself yesterday. That was stupid. And of course I'm getting tired. Ug...
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hard Core Shopping
Hi everyone!
Sorry I missed last night. I was so tired from a day of shopping and laundry. Thank goodness for the movie Airplane and dark hot chocolate. It was a good wind down for the day. I'm spending today with some homework, my mom, and my grandma. I've got to get ready so I can get going! ...mainly get started with my homework. Booooo D:
Write you later,
Sorry I missed last night. I was so tired from a day of shopping and laundry. Thank goodness for the movie Airplane and dark hot chocolate. It was a good wind down for the day. I'm spending today with some homework, my mom, and my grandma. I've got to get ready so I can get going! ...mainly get started with my homework. Booooo D:
Write you later,
Friday, June 24, 2011
Bed, Bath, and Body Works
Hey everyone!
I'm going to bed pretty much as soon as I post this.
Today was big. I went to class, met with a student for a class assignment, went crazy at Bath and Body Works (sales are the best/worst things), spent some time with my grandma, and ate a banana split from Dairy Queen to finish off my non-dessert week.
I'm going to bed pretty much as soon as I post this.
Today was big. I went to class, met with a student for a class assignment, went crazy at Bath and Body Works (sales are the best/worst things), spent some time with my grandma, and ate a banana split from Dairy Queen to finish off my non-dessert week.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sharing Feelings
Hey everyone!
Today wasn't the most eventful day - I worked, had a meeting, walked home, read for class - so I thought I'd share some feelings with you today.
"Oh no... Here she goes," is probably what you all are thinking. But I really just want to express this to you all.
Are you ready?
This is big!
Are you sure?
"Shut up, Kt"?
Okay, okay.
Here it is:
I'm so incredibly happy that I'm going to be an elementary school teacher. I love kids and I want the best for them - a place where they are safe to express themselves and not be judged, a place where they can learn, a place where I can make them realize how incredibly bright and wonderful they are! I love my education classes because they apply to what I want to do. I love that whenever we talk about a classroom I feel myself light up and imagine myself with my own "kids". I'm excited to not only watch them learn, but see how I can learn from them! Those little heads full of imagination, creativity, life! And I want to shape them and show them so many things.
I know the stereotypical downsides to teaching - low salary, little appreciation, etc. - but I don't care. It's what I want to do. I think it's what I was made to do. And I want to be fantastic at it.
I hope I can be a Rockstar like Mrs. Mimi or one of the amazing teachers I had as a kid.
I'm excited for the future (mainly after that rough first year of teaching).
Today wasn't the most eventful day - I worked, had a meeting, walked home, read for class - so I thought I'd share some feelings with you today.
"Oh no... Here she goes," is probably what you all are thinking. But I really just want to express this to you all.
Are you ready?
This is big!
Are you sure?
"Shut up, Kt"?
Okay, okay.
Here it is:
I'm so incredibly happy that I'm going to be an elementary school teacher. I love kids and I want the best for them - a place where they are safe to express themselves and not be judged, a place where they can learn, a place where I can make them realize how incredibly bright and wonderful they are! I love my education classes because they apply to what I want to do. I love that whenever we talk about a classroom I feel myself light up and imagine myself with my own "kids". I'm excited to not only watch them learn, but see how I can learn from them! Those little heads full of imagination, creativity, life! And I want to shape them and show them so many things.
I know the stereotypical downsides to teaching - low salary, little appreciation, etc. - but I don't care. It's what I want to do. I think it's what I was made to do. And I want to be fantastic at it.
I hope I can be a Rockstar like Mrs. Mimi or one of the amazing teachers I had as a kid.
I'm excited for the future (mainly after that rough first year of teaching).
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Long Day Desserts
Hey everyone!
Not going to lie - this week is kicking my butt! I've finally started my summer ritual of 8 a.m. to 1 or 2 p.m. days (with nights often filled with class as well). Sorry for not posting last night. I took advantage of the longest day of the year by jogging down a path near my apartment. This, of course, is after a 6 hour work shift that I rode my bike to and from (and my bike seat is, let's say, not the most comfortable). After that I fell asleep. Yep, the same thing I do when I forget to write a blog any other day.
Today I had my first 5 hour class. It wasn't too tough to get through - the subject is interesting and I'm excited to learn (dork alert!) - but we'll have to see how that goes for the next few weeks. I think I'll be glad to sleep at night - after I've done all my class readings, of course.
I've been trying to do this don't-eat-dessert-for-a-week thing, but I accidentally failed this morning. My teacher made brownies and muffins and I thought, "Hey, muffins are better than brownies, right? Not a total dessert." (I think I was trying to justify needing the sustenance) so I took a muffin only to find out after the first bite that it had chocolate chips in it. ...Well, that spoiled my effort. So, I caved. At my class this evening I candy was passed around and I politely said, "No, thank you", but when one of the students gave me a piece of candy when they were demonstrating a lesson I thought, "Now I have to eat it!" So, fine. I confess. I've eaten a Reese's peanut butter cup, two Starbursts, one cookies and cream egg, and a Jolly Rancher chew. Mind you, these were all small, but it was my little cheat for the week. I'll start a clean slate tomorrow.
Off to sleep at a decent hour,
Not going to lie - this week is kicking my butt! I've finally started my summer ritual of 8 a.m. to 1 or 2 p.m. days (with nights often filled with class as well). Sorry for not posting last night. I took advantage of the longest day of the year by jogging down a path near my apartment. This, of course, is after a 6 hour work shift that I rode my bike to and from (and my bike seat is, let's say, not the most comfortable). After that I fell asleep. Yep, the same thing I do when I forget to write a blog any other day.
Today I had my first 5 hour class. It wasn't too tough to get through - the subject is interesting and I'm excited to learn (dork alert!) - but we'll have to see how that goes for the next few weeks. I think I'll be glad to sleep at night - after I've done all my class readings, of course.
I've been trying to do this don't-eat-dessert-for-a-week thing, but I accidentally failed this morning. My teacher made brownies and muffins and I thought, "Hey, muffins are better than brownies, right? Not a total dessert." (I think I was trying to justify needing the sustenance) so I took a muffin only to find out after the first bite that it had chocolate chips in it. ...Well, that spoiled my effort. So, I caved. At my class this evening I candy was passed around and I politely said, "No, thank you", but when one of the students gave me a piece of candy when they were demonstrating a lesson I thought, "Now I have to eat it!" So, fine. I confess. I've eaten a Reese's peanut butter cup, two Starbursts, one cookies and cream egg, and a Jolly Rancher chew. Mind you, these were all small, but it was my little cheat for the week. I'll start a clean slate tomorrow.
Off to sleep at a decent hour,
Monday, June 20, 2011
Hey everyone!
Today I took my car to the shop, rode my bike to class (and got seriously sweaty - yuck), rode my bike to the car shop to pick up my car, did some classwork, drove to another class, and wrote this post :P!
Well, I suppose I missed one thing. My last class got out early, so I went grocery shopping! I picked up a few things that I needed and then a few things that sounded like good snack food. I've been hungry for some cheese slices, but I didn't want to settle on one flavor, so I bought some assorted cheese cubes instead. The one other snack food I can think of at the moment that I bought was yogurt covered raisins. I'm a tiny bit disappointed in them - there's more yogurt than raisin to them, making them a little sweeter than I really needed. Oh well, it'll be a good sweet snack when I need a pick me up.
This morning was the last time I get to sleep in on a weekday, so it's time to go to bed!
Write you tomorrow,
Today I took my car to the shop, rode my bike to class (and got seriously sweaty - yuck), rode my bike to the car shop to pick up my car, did some classwork, drove to another class, and wrote this post :P!
Well, I suppose I missed one thing. My last class got out early, so I went grocery shopping! I picked up a few things that I needed and then a few things that sounded like good snack food. I've been hungry for some cheese slices, but I didn't want to settle on one flavor, so I bought some assorted cheese cubes instead. The one other snack food I can think of at the moment that I bought was yogurt covered raisins. I'm a tiny bit disappointed in them - there's more yogurt than raisin to them, making them a little sweeter than I really needed. Oh well, it'll be a good sweet snack when I need a pick me up.
This morning was the last time I get to sleep in on a weekday, so it's time to go to bed!
Write you tomorrow,
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Nailed It
Hey everybody!
Sorry for not posting last night. Again, I knew I wasn't going to and I should have said so ahead of time.
Well, now I'm tired and don't feel like writing so this will probably be a short post again. But I wanted to show you guys how I painted my nails yesterday.
Painting my nails is a creative outlet for me. I've done watermelon french nails, drawn on ghosts and written "Boo", bows, flowers, hearts, snowflakes, and the list goes on. I don't think I'm amazing at it, but I'm not awful. I saw some nail trends in my newest issue of Glamour (my favorite magazine) andafter horribly painting one pattern from the article (I felt like a polka dotted dinosaur) decided to try out the swirl pattern:

Sorry for not posting last night. Again, I knew I wasn't going to and I should have said so ahead of time.
Well, now I'm tired and don't feel like writing so this will probably be a short post again. But I wanted to show you guys how I painted my nails yesterday.
Painting my nails is a creative outlet for me. I've done watermelon french nails, drawn on ghosts and written "Boo", bows, flowers, hearts, snowflakes, and the list goes on. I don't think I'm amazing at it, but I'm not awful. I saw some nail trends in my newest issue of Glamour (my favorite magazine) and
Mine didn't turn out as perfectly patterned as the picture, but I altered my materials from what was suggested (i.e. instead of a detail brush I used a bobby pin...). It took me a while to figure out how I felt about them, but I've decided I like them. I think I'll try it again some time and maybe use different colors.
On that note (and after noticing I bit the inside of my cheek - ow...) I'll be getting ready for bed. I hope I have better dreams that I did last night - nightmares suck.
Sweet dreams,
Friday, June 17, 2011
Hey everyone!
I thought tonight I'd show you some pictures of meals I've eaten this week (as today was not very interesting).
Here's something I whipped up for lunch this week:
I bought a cucumber when I went grocery shopping, but the only way I've liked eating cucumber was in these sandwiches. It sounded good, so cucumber finger sandwiches (whole wheat bread, cream cheese, and cucumber slices), sugar snap peas, blueberries, and raspberries it was!
This is one of the dinners I made this week:

Here's what I had for dinner tonight:
Sloppy joe's and salad! The salad is dressed with lite cesar dressing and instead of a bun I put my sloppy joe on whole wheat bread. I'm frustrated with how my sloppy joes came out this time. I typically do a pretty good job at making them, but my batch tonight had little flavor. I think the little extra water I added wasn't needed even though the mixture looked pretty darn thick.
As you can tell, I'm not a vegetarian. One of my roommates is and the other only eats chicken, but I haven't been able to give up meat. I completely support the ideas behind vegetarianism - I just can't do it. And vegan? Woah, Nelly. That would never work. Did you see how much parmesan was on my asparagus? I cannot do without dairy. It's one of my favorite food groups!
Well, before I start to head off to bed I think I'll drink a bit more water and eat a handful of blueberries. Good night!
I thought tonight I'd show you some pictures of meals I've eaten this week (as today was not very interesting).
Here's something I whipped up for lunch this week:
I bought a cucumber when I went grocery shopping, but the only way I've liked eating cucumber was in these sandwiches. It sounded good, so cucumber finger sandwiches (whole wheat bread, cream cheese, and cucumber slices), sugar snap peas, blueberries, and raspberries it was!
This is one of the dinners I made this week:
The broken up white stuff is lemon pepper fish. As I've said, I'm not a fantastic cook so this fillet was frozen. I love asparagus, but was kind of bored with butter and salt seasoning so I decided to season this batch with olive oil, garlic salt, and parmesan. The two flavors kind of clashed, but it was a pretty good meal. I realized I needed a carb afterward so I had some milk and cereal :P.
Sloppy joe's and salad! The salad is dressed with lite cesar dressing and instead of a bun I put my sloppy joe on whole wheat bread. I'm frustrated with how my sloppy joes came out this time. I typically do a pretty good job at making them, but my batch tonight had little flavor. I think the little extra water I added wasn't needed even though the mixture looked pretty darn thick.
As you can tell, I'm not a vegetarian. One of my roommates is and the other only eats chicken, but I haven't been able to give up meat. I completely support the ideas behind vegetarianism - I just can't do it. And vegan? Woah, Nelly. That would never work. Did you see how much parmesan was on my asparagus? I cannot do without dairy. It's one of my favorite food groups!
Well, before I start to head off to bed I think I'll drink a bit more water and eat a handful of blueberries. Good night!
Arranging Jobs
Morning everyone!
Sorry I didn't write a post last night. I purposefully decided not to write anything because I was in a foul mood. So, here's a morning post to make up for it!
Yesterday I had my first day of work for the summer! In past summers I've worked as a camp counselor and LOVED it. However, since I'm taking classes this summer I didn't have time to be a camp counselor D: so I had to take a job somewhere else. I think I'll like this job, but it is a tiny bummer that I can't work with kids like I normally do. I'll miss them.
I don't work all day, so when I got home I was able to start working on arranging a piece for the all female a capella group! If I really work at it, I think I can finish it pretty quickly! Woo hoo! The last piece I arranged took two years to finish because I had too much to do!
I guess it's time to get ready so I can start the day!
Sorry I didn't write a post last night. I purposefully decided not to write anything because I was in a foul mood. So, here's a morning post to make up for it!
Yesterday I had my first day of work for the summer! In past summers I've worked as a camp counselor and LOVED it. However, since I'm taking classes this summer I didn't have time to be a camp counselor D: so I had to take a job somewhere else. I think I'll like this job, but it is a tiny bummer that I can't work with kids like I normally do. I'll miss them.
I don't work all day, so when I got home I was able to start working on arranging a piece for the all female a capella group! If I really work at it, I think I can finish it pretty quickly! Woo hoo! The last piece I arranged took two years to finish because I had too much to do!
I guess it's time to get ready so I can start the day!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Waiting In Frustration
Good evening everyone,
I had an up and down day today. I got up at a decent hour (thank goodness!), but ended up frustrated as the day progressed. I went to run an errand only to find out that the place I was going to had closed 12 minutes before I got there. After I paid to park there I went to see if I could get some more information from someone I was having trouble understanding over e-mail only to sit for about 10 minutes waiting for someone that wasn't coming. R. A. W. R.
After that, I had class, which was fine. We had an interesting discussion on gender (biases, discrimination, oppression, whatever you would like to call it).
So now I'm pooped and plan to get up super early to see if I can talk to this person I wasn't able to see this afternoon.
Off to sleepy land! ...after I brush my teeth and wash my face,
I had an up and down day today. I got up at a decent hour (thank goodness!), but ended up frustrated as the day progressed. I went to run an errand only to find out that the place I was going to had closed 12 minutes before I got there. After I paid to park there I went to see if I could get some more information from someone I was having trouble understanding over e-mail only to sit for about 10 minutes waiting for someone that wasn't coming. R. A. W. R.
After that, I had class, which was fine. We had an interesting discussion on gender (biases, discrimination, oppression, whatever you would like to call it).
So now I'm pooped and plan to get up super early to see if I can talk to this person I wasn't able to see this afternoon.
Off to sleepy land! ...after I brush my teeth and wash my face,
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Guten tag!
Hey everybody!
I've brushed my teeth, washed my face, checked my e-mails, I'm ready for bed, and I'm actually tired! Woo hoo!!!
I've gotten really tired of spending my days not doing much of anything. Two of my classes don't start until next week and I don't start my job until Thursday, so I've been trying to come up with things to do during my oodles of free time. I can't handle free time. I feel like I waste it by not doing something. I know, I know. I'm kind of silly.
Today I got some stuff done (mainly cleaning dishes, vacuuming, disinfecting) and I think I've come up with a plan for tomorrow. I, hopefully, will do most of this list: work out, read for class, write discussion questions for said class, work on arranging something for the women's a capella group, go to the mall to see if a few CDs are available (sometimes you just want the hard copy over the mp3, you know?), and probably a few other things like repaint my nails and such. I hope I get some of that done so I can tire myself out and go to bed at a decent hour!
Before I go to sleep I want to say, "Hi!" to my German readers! I would say something in German, but my two years of attempting to get into a German foreign language class in high school failed and I ended up taking French (sorry! I had to take something so I could get into college!). I have no clue how you found my blog, but thanks for sticking to it and reading! I appreciate it :D
All right, goodnight everyone!
I've brushed my teeth, washed my face, checked my e-mails, I'm ready for bed, and I'm actually tired! Woo hoo!!!
I've gotten really tired of spending my days not doing much of anything. Two of my classes don't start until next week and I don't start my job until Thursday, so I've been trying to come up with things to do during my oodles of free time. I can't handle free time. I feel like I waste it by not doing something. I know, I know. I'm kind of silly.
Today I got some stuff done (mainly cleaning dishes, vacuuming, disinfecting) and I think I've come up with a plan for tomorrow. I, hopefully, will do most of this list: work out, read for class, write discussion questions for said class, work on arranging something for the women's a capella group, go to the mall to see if a few CDs are available (sometimes you just want the hard copy over the mp3, you know?), and probably a few other things like repaint my nails and such. I hope I get some of that done so I can tire myself out and go to bed at a decent hour!
Before I go to sleep I want to say, "Hi!" to my German readers! I would say something in German, but my two years of attempting to get into a German foreign language class in high school failed and I ended up taking French (sorry! I had to take something so I could get into college!). I have no clue how you found my blog, but thanks for sticking to it and reading! I appreciate it :D
All right, goodnight everyone!
Shwoops And Chats
Shwoops! I skipped a day!
I knew I did, but I really didn't have time to write anything this morning (I was reading for class). So, sorry. My bad.
I'm finally getting tired. My sleep schedule is so off - I really don't like going to bed past midnight.
Today I read for class, read some more for class, went to a voice lesson, went to class, and talked to my roomie (who's home for the summer) on the phone. Chatting it up with some friends is one of my favorite things to do.
Now that I'm sleepy I'm going to bed. I'll write you tomorrow (or possibly this morning),
I knew I did, but I really didn't have time to write anything this morning (I was reading for class). So, sorry. My bad.
I'm finally getting tired. My sleep schedule is so off - I really don't like going to bed past midnight.
Today I read for class, read some more for class, went to a voice lesson, went to class, and talked to my roomie (who's home for the summer) on the phone. Chatting it up with some friends is one of my favorite things to do.
Now that I'm sleepy I'm going to bed. I'll write you tomorrow (or possibly this morning),
Saturday, June 11, 2011
To Grandmother's House We Go
Herro everybody!
I just got settled back into my apartment. It's kind of nice to be back, but I'm disappointed I didn't get to spend more time at home. Oh well.
Today was not extremely eventful. I packed up, my mom and I drove down to my grandma's house and packed up furniture my mom had claimed (my grandma's house just sold), and I came back to my apartment. I'm glad I got to spend time with my mom and my friends. I'll be happy to go back when I can.
Goodnight and I'll write you tomorrow,
I just got settled back into my apartment. It's kind of nice to be back, but I'm disappointed I didn't get to spend more time at home. Oh well.
Today was not extremely eventful. I packed up, my mom and I drove down to my grandma's house and packed up furniture my mom had claimed (my grandma's house just sold), and I came back to my apartment. I'm glad I got to spend time with my mom and my friends. I'll be happy to go back when I can.
Goodnight and I'll write you tomorrow,
Fruit Dip - Est. Time: FOREVER
Today (which I suppose is now yesterday considering the time) I went grocery shopping, put a check in my account (thanks, grandma, for supporting my education until the very end!), made fruit dip and chips (took forever to cut up all the fruit, but it ended up delicious!), and went to a friend's end of school party. It was a good day. I just wish I was tired so I could enjoy tomorrow just as much!
My computer just shut it self down due to a low battery, so after plugging it in and rebooting I'm kind of tired.
Write you tomorrow,
My computer just shut it self down due to a low battery, so after plugging it in and rebooting I'm kind of tired.
Write you tomorrow,
Friday, June 10, 2011
A Time Capsule Of The Car Crash Into My House
Hello, hello, hello!
I am currently sitting at home watching some t.v...
...wait. Did I say home?
Yesterday I made a quick decision to go home for a couple of days. I threw myself together and ran out the door because weather.com could not make up their mind when a storm was coming. When I checked the radar after I finished most of my packing it seemed the storm was coming, oh, I don't know, now. So I flew out the door and headed home. It was actually a pretty nice drive too! I listed to the radio and when the stations fizzled out I listened to my iPod. I really do need to pull off the Christmas music though. I often skipped Greensleeves and My Rusty Chevrolet (which, if you don't know that Christmas song you should check it out! I'm a sucker for joke/parody songs. Especially during Christmas).
So, I got home, threw my things down, and changed my clothes (it was FREEZING!) so I could hang out with a friend! Before I headed over to their house, I went to check up on construction going on with my own house. Oh, have I not mentioned that? Well, to make a long story short - a car drove through my house. Not all the way through, just through the front door, into the coat closet, and ended up in the garage. They weren't drunk, they were underage. It's all a big mess, but there are a lot of positives to it as well. We wanted to redo that front room anyway, the layout of the closet always bugged my mom, and, hey, had they drove their car in two inches to the right our whole house would have collapsed. At least no one was hurt, not even the drivers or our cats. It's all good.
Well, this happened I think two months ago. We've had to take some time to move boxes out, but construction finally started last Thursday so it's no wonder how excited my mom was when she called me on Friday to exclaim her excitement about a new front door, new siding, and a new garage door! So, naturally, when I got home I wanted to see everything for myself! The front of the house looks great so far and there's a wall and the outlines of a closet in the works! Kind of silly to get excited about those things, but when your house has been boarded up for two months it's amazing to see progress in the way of a new home!
Well, I did eventually go to my friend's house, haha. We looked through some cookbooks and recipes online because we need to bring a dish to a party our friend is throwing tonight. I didn't get a chance to spend a lot of time with her - although I think her cat and dog will miss me the most since they couldn't stop rubbing (cat) or jumping (dog) on me. My mom called and wanted me to head home to tape an episode of The Big Bang Theory. "Okay, okay, mom. I'll do it."
Well, we ended up eating dinner and watching the end of The Big Bang Theory before we headed out together to look at the house one more time. I apparently had not seen the floor and paint samples my mom had laid out and she wanted my opinion on them. We really looked at them and ended up changing most of them - Sorry, mom! What she chose would have worked fine, butI decided I we decided we liked a different flooring so the scheme changed a bit. After that and looking around at what was happening in construction land, I noticed something in the corner of a different room. A time capsule! From when I was in elementary school! I had dated it to not be opened until my birthday in 2011! This year!!! I remember looking at that time capsule in my room a few years after I made it thinking, "I know what's in there. It's going to be no fun to open", but now I honestly don't remember what's in there and I'm excited to find out! I'm bringing it back with me to school so I can open it on my birthday! I think I'll make a new one after I open it so I can open one 10 years from now.
Wait. What if I made one to open at every one of my birthdays? One that showed exactly what my birthday was like the year before? Or a letter about what I did on my birthday and how the past year was? Oooo! I think that would be so much fun! All my excitement for my time capsule is urging me to do something every year so I can be equally as excited!
After all that fun excitement, my mom and I went grocery shopping, came home, and went to sleep. Now I need to do some fun things today and not waste this time spent at home! So, off I go!
I'll write you again either tonight or tomorrow, when I'm back at my un-air-conditioned apartment...
I am currently sitting at home watching some t.v...
...wait. Did I say home?
Yesterday I made a quick decision to go home for a couple of days. I threw myself together and ran out the door because weather.com could not make up their mind when a storm was coming. When I checked the radar after I finished most of my packing it seemed the storm was coming, oh, I don't know, now. So I flew out the door and headed home. It was actually a pretty nice drive too! I listed to the radio and when the stations fizzled out I listened to my iPod. I really do need to pull off the Christmas music though. I often skipped Greensleeves and My Rusty Chevrolet (which, if you don't know that Christmas song you should check it out! I'm a sucker for joke/parody songs. Especially during Christmas).
So, I got home, threw my things down, and changed my clothes (it was FREEZING!) so I could hang out with a friend! Before I headed over to their house, I went to check up on construction going on with my own house. Oh, have I not mentioned that? Well, to make a long story short - a car drove through my house. Not all the way through, just through the front door, into the coat closet, and ended up in the garage. They weren't drunk, they were underage. It's all a big mess, but there are a lot of positives to it as well. We wanted to redo that front room anyway, the layout of the closet always bugged my mom, and, hey, had they drove their car in two inches to the right our whole house would have collapsed. At least no one was hurt, not even the drivers or our cats. It's all good.
Well, this happened I think two months ago. We've had to take some time to move boxes out, but construction finally started last Thursday so it's no wonder how excited my mom was when she called me on Friday to exclaim her excitement about a new front door, new siding, and a new garage door! So, naturally, when I got home I wanted to see everything for myself! The front of the house looks great so far and there's a wall and the outlines of a closet in the works! Kind of silly to get excited about those things, but when your house has been boarded up for two months it's amazing to see progress in the way of a new home!
Well, I did eventually go to my friend's house, haha. We looked through some cookbooks and recipes online because we need to bring a dish to a party our friend is throwing tonight. I didn't get a chance to spend a lot of time with her - although I think her cat and dog will miss me the most since they couldn't stop rubbing (cat) or jumping (dog) on me. My mom called and wanted me to head home to tape an episode of The Big Bang Theory. "Okay, okay, mom. I'll do it."
Well, we ended up eating dinner and watching the end of The Big Bang Theory before we headed out together to look at the house one more time. I apparently had not seen the floor and paint samples my mom had laid out and she wanted my opinion on them. We really looked at them and ended up changing most of them - Sorry, mom! What she chose would have worked fine, but
Wait. What if I made one to open at every one of my birthdays? One that showed exactly what my birthday was like the year before? Or a letter about what I did on my birthday and how the past year was? Oooo! I think that would be so much fun! All my excitement for my time capsule is urging me to do something every year so I can be equally as excited!
After all that fun excitement, my mom and I went grocery shopping, came home, and went to sleep. Now I need to do some fun things today and not waste this time spent at home! So, off I go!
I'll write you again either tonight or tomorrow, when I'm back at my un-air-conditioned apartment...
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Peanut Butter Wheat Thin Time!
Bonjourno everybody!
I'm currently snacking on Wheat Thins and peanut butter. Not really a snack I would eat, even as a kid, but it sounded so. good. I have a feeling that it's not making much a difference of having reduced fat Wheat Thins right now... Okay, putting away the peanut butter.
I didn't eat a very bit dinner tonight so I was a tad munchy after my class ended. I think a few more Wheat Thins should hit the spot.
Today wasn't extremely eventful. I did some more dishes, wrote an essay for a scholarship reevaluation form, read for class, talked to a bunch of people on the phone, oh! and got a job! I applied for three jobs about four weeks ago. One person really was up for hiring me, but I was waiting to hear back from the other two places (mainly one over the other). Unfortunately, even though I called, they never got back to me. I contacted the person willing to hire me in the first place and they still have positions available. It's going to make my summer a bit busier, but at least I'll be getting paid! Whew!
Tonight I looked over some of my old posts. I really liked the ones where I truly talked about how I was feeling or how my day went. It makes me want to write longer posts! I know this one wasn't very long, but maybe I'll be in the mood for it tomorrow.
"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll [see] ya, tomorrow!"
I'm currently snacking on Wheat Thins and peanut butter. Not really a snack I would eat, even as a kid, but it sounded so. good. I have a feeling that it's not making much a difference of having reduced fat Wheat Thins right now... Okay, putting away the peanut butter.
I didn't eat a very bit dinner tonight so I was a tad munchy after my class ended. I think a few more Wheat Thins should hit the spot.
Today wasn't extremely eventful. I did some more dishes, wrote an essay for a scholarship reevaluation form, read for class, talked to a bunch of people on the phone, oh! and got a job! I applied for three jobs about four weeks ago. One person really was up for hiring me, but I was waiting to hear back from the other two places (mainly one over the other). Unfortunately, even though I called, they never got back to me. I contacted the person willing to hire me in the first place and they still have positions available. It's going to make my summer a bit busier, but at least I'll be getting paid! Whew!
Tonight I looked over some of my old posts. I really liked the ones where I truly talked about how I was feeling or how my day went. It makes me want to write longer posts! I know this one wasn't very long, but maybe I'll be in the mood for it tomorrow.
"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll [see] ya, tomorrow!"
The Red Sushi
Yesterday I washed dishes, turned in some forms for class, returned our recycling, ate sushi, and watched a movie - The Red Shoes. Oh, and our air conditioner broke. Thank goodness for maintenance - we'll be getting a new one soon.
A hopefully not-to-toasty day,
A hopefully not-to-toasty day,
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Busy Bee
Yesterday was oh-ho-so busy. I got my oil topped off, picked up my Huey Lewis tickets, ate at one of my favorite restaurants (Lone Star Steakhouse - mmmmm :D), got a couple things at Ulta with a coupon, visited my grandma, had my voice lesson, picked up a book for class, and took one of my summer roommates grocery shopping. Whew! No surprise I easy fell asleep last night.
Here's to a less busy, but not lazy day,
Here's to a less busy, but not lazy day,
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Swing, Swing, Swing
Good evening everyone!
I just took a walk! It was the perfect weather for it - not too breezy, not too warm, but just right. After I returned the Tangled DVD I decided that I should get myself outside and moving since I hadn't really been out of the apartment until then. I grabbed my iPod, key, and phone and set out for the sidewalk. We have a really large sidewalk that can lead to many different parks. I walked toward one on a hill that had a swing set and swung. I didn't swing for very long, but two of my favorite songs played on my iPod as I swung - Before The Earth Was Round by Ok Go and Don't Rain on my Parade performed by Rachel from Glee. I basked in the beauty that was around me - things I don't really notice from day to day. Birds flying to and fro, the billowing clouds in the sky, the air beside me flowing through my hair as I swing up and down, forward and backward. Ah...
Sadly, that will probably be my last serene, childhood moment for a while. Now I've got grown up work to do.
Write you tomorrow,
I just took a walk! It was the perfect weather for it - not too breezy, not too warm, but just right. After I returned the Tangled DVD I decided that I should get myself outside and moving since I hadn't really been out of the apartment until then. I grabbed my iPod, key, and phone and set out for the sidewalk. We have a really large sidewalk that can lead to many different parks. I walked toward one on a hill that had a swing set and swung. I didn't swing for very long, but two of my favorite songs played on my iPod as I swung - Before The Earth Was Round by Ok Go and Don't Rain on my Parade performed by Rachel from Glee. I basked in the beauty that was around me - things I don't really notice from day to day. Birds flying to and fro, the billowing clouds in the sky, the air beside me flowing through my hair as I swing up and down, forward and backward. Ah...
Sadly, that will probably be my last serene, childhood moment for a while. Now I've got grown up work to do.
Write you tomorrow,
Tangled In Cake
Yesterday I watched Tangled for the first time, played with my step-mom's cats, and ate some wheat free chocolate cake - which was surprisingly delicious!
Eating breakfast,
Eating breakfast,
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Alexander's Broken Down Car
Yesterday I finished my 3 week class (Alexander Technique) and hung out with a friend and her friend after their car died on the way into town. We made up for it by eating fantastic sushi and ice cream :D
It's gloomy out so "Let it rain, let it pour",
It's gloomy out so "Let it rain, let it pour",
Friday, June 3, 2011
Interesting Interests
Today I found out that
1. I surprise people everyday with interests that apparently don't "fit my personality"
2. I should probably not watch Whose Line Is It Anyway? with a facial mask on. I crack myself up :P!
Sleepy time,
1. I surprise people everyday with interests that apparently don't "fit my personality"
2. I should probably not watch Whose Line Is It Anyway? with a facial mask on. I crack myself up :P!
Sleepy time,
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Yesterday my mom and I won tickets to see Huey Lewis and The News! And I got a chance to hang out with my roommate from last year before she heads home for the summer - we went out for ice cream :D!
Good start to a new day,
Good start to a new day,
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