Saturday, February 1, 2014


Do you know what depresses me? Of course you don't - you don't live in my head. What really depresses me is how easy it is to end up in the "real world" and leave your social life behind. I had a similar situation in college where I didn't hang out with a large group of people, but I had close friends that I spent most of my time with. For me, those close friends happened to be my roommates. Having roommates doesn't automatically create or stabilize friendships, but I had some of the most amazing experiences in college by hanging out with them. They were my rocks - the people that would listen to me at 10 p.m. when I'm stressed out, would share dinner with me, would have meaningful conversations for an hour that turn into ridiculous giggle-fits. I miss that.

School really holds people together. You tend to make friends from taking classes and participating in activities. They are always there, even if you take a different course the next year or semester. You'll see them on campus, at dinner, etc.

Now that I'm out and about in the "real world" there are no more classes and, in a terribly harsh reality, less friendship.

I never realized how much effort it can take to keep in touch with friends so they stay a constant friend in your life.

Those roommate rocks that I had were fabulous people that I rarely see. The friends I made from classes are doing their own adult thing or are still finishing up school.

I spend my days, weeks, and sometimes even months talking to my mother, boyfriend, and the people I need to speak to so I can get through the work day.

I'm getting envious and very uncomfortable when I see friends on t.v. or the internet. I used to have that. Why do I feel like I don't anymore?

A good part of this is really my own personal struggle. I need to reach out to my friends if they don't reach out to me so we can stay friends. However, I don't want to bother people when they are trying to do their thing and I just want to hang out, catch up, and eat frozen yogurt.

It's been about a year since I had a close friend. It's lonely.

I want to rekindle friendships. Watch movies. Play board games. Paint fingernails. Talk until 2 a.m. Let's share our problems and cry and laugh over anything and everything. I miss you guys.