Merry Christmas everyone!
I'm so happy I get a chance to see my friends and family over the holidays. I know many people out there may be alone this holiday season or be suffering financially, but it helps me to know that there is always someone out there who cares about them and loves them no matter what - be it a distant family member, a nearby shopkeeper, or an angel watching over them (like Clarence from It's a Wonderful Life). Have a very Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays from my house to yours.
P.S. If you weren't sure of what to get someone and ended up not giving them a gift, you can always donate to an organization that helps others. A gift from the heart will always trump a material gift.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Things That Have Come And Gone
Hello everyone!
Here's a list of things that have come and gone since I last posted:
I hate how I'll find something I really like before Christmas, but not dare buy it for myself because someone may get me something similar - you never know! And then, once Christmas is over, I'll think, "I really wanted to get such-and-such, but I've already got so many things... I'll just not get it/That's a waste of money/blah blah blah." If you like it, get it! Geez. It's just nail polish/a purse/stuff! You've got gift cards - use them for the purchase! Oy, I need to feel better about spending money. I also need to work on saying, "Oy" less...
Well, I hope you all have finished your finals (if you're in school) and are home for the holidays! Drink some hot chocolate, spend time with your friends and family, and don't forget to give! Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, please remember to be kind to each other and give a gift of love and hope to friends, family, and passers-by. It will warm their heart as well as yours!
I hope to write you all again soon! Happy Holidays!
Here's a list of things that have come and gone since I last posted:
- My senior recital: It went pretty well - at least I thought it went pretty well. The bumps from my dress rehearsal weren't there and I wasn't too nervous. Unfortunately, I didn't sing "full voiced" and my professor picked up on that. Bummer when you get a B on something you work so hard on.
- The fall semester: This is my last fall semester at my college. Marching band is ending (though we're bowl bound - WOO!), my senior recital is finished, and it looks like I might (cross your fingers!) end up with all A's this semester! Oh, and I'm dating somebody which is a pretty great present for the holidays.
- My December Glamour issue: I was so ridiculously behind in reading my magazine! I finally finished it during finals week (I was done with my finals, of course) after I received the January issue in the mail. Oh well - it was a great issue!
- My fear of alcohol: Okay, this would take much explaining so I'll summarize it to the best of my ability. College scared the begeezes out of me as a freshman - i.e. I wasn't expecting to see so many of my school mates being irresponsible. I eventually grew to accepting my "it's-your-life-so-you-can-do-with-it-what-you-want" policy, but I still steered away from drinking myself. I was under age! That's against the law!!! Yes, I know I'm a goody-two shoes. Well, I'm old enough to drink, and have been for quite some time, so I'm getting a chance to really try things out. I was timid at first, but I've been to the bars and parties and have found my tolerance is pretty high. I'm careful and cautious and I think that's the best I can do for myself.
- Christmas lights!: I put Christmas lights up on the deck of our apartment for the first time (we've lived in the same place for two years). I'm so happy I did! They jump started my Christmas spirit, even though I'm still kind of waiting for the full Christmas mood to kick in. Um, it's in less than a week...let's get the Christmas spirit started!!!
I hate how I'll find something I really like before Christmas, but not dare buy it for myself because someone may get me something similar - you never know! And then, once Christmas is over, I'll think, "I really wanted to get such-and-such, but I've already got so many things... I'll just not get it/That's a waste of money/blah blah blah." If you like it, get it! Geez. It's just nail polish/a purse/stuff! You've got gift cards - use them for the purchase! Oy, I need to feel better about spending money. I also need to work on saying, "Oy" less...
Well, I hope you all have finished your finals (if you're in school) and are home for the holidays! Drink some hot chocolate, spend time with your friends and family, and don't forget to give! Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, please remember to be kind to each other and give a gift of love and hope to friends, family, and passers-by. It will warm their heart as well as yours!
I hope to write you all again soon! Happy Holidays!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Nervous/Worried/LET'S DO THIS!
Hello everyone!
It's nearing the end of the semester and all the end of the year projects are starting to pile up. The big one that's "due" today? ...My senior recital.
I had my dress rehearsal last night. During the day I was actually feeling pretty relaxed about the whole thing. I felt like I knew my music well and that it would be fine. Well, that dress rehearsal had quite a put it nicely. Now I'm scared, worried, nervous, and losing my appetite. I'm surprised I could eat my breakfast.
I want/wish/pray for tonight to go smoothly. I want/wish/pray to be relaxed and focus on making music instead of what notes I sing, what words I sing, and what dynamics/articulations I sing.
Please let this go well. I don't want to break down in tears like I did yesterday.
Send me good relaxation vibes!
It's nearing the end of the semester and all the end of the year projects are starting to pile up. The big one that's "due" today? ...My senior recital.
I had my dress rehearsal last night. During the day I was actually feeling pretty relaxed about the whole thing. I felt like I knew my music well and that it would be fine. Well, that dress rehearsal had quite a put it nicely. Now I'm scared, worried, nervous, and losing my appetite. I'm surprised I could eat my breakfast.
I want/wish/pray for tonight to go smoothly. I want/wish/pray to be relaxed and focus on making music instead of what notes I sing, what words I sing, and what dynamics/articulations I sing.
Please let this go well. I don't want to break down in tears like I did yesterday.
Send me good relaxation vibes!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hello everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for so many things - the opportunity to go to college and really study something I love, my friends and family, a warm bed at night. For all those out there that are not as fortunate, I am praying for you today. I pray that you will go to bed with a full stomach, be with your friends and families, and feel loved and cared for. I hope that my little prayer will reach some of you out there and will warm your hearts.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Eat some turkey, green bean casseroles, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie! I know I will!
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for so many things - the opportunity to go to college and really study something I love, my friends and family, a warm bed at night. For all those out there that are not as fortunate, I am praying for you today. I pray that you will go to bed with a full stomach, be with your friends and families, and feel loved and cared for. I hope that my little prayer will reach some of you out there and will warm your hearts.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Eat some turkey, green bean casseroles, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie! I know I will!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Not Tired!
Hello everyone!
I hope some of you are already home for the holidays or in the not too distant future are going to be with your families. I am currently sitting in my bed at home wondering why I am not tired. It's almost 1 a.m. for goodness' sake!
Well, these past few days have been a lazy blur. I've been in the most least productive mood. No matter how many times I pull up an assignment to work on I just can't seem to push myself to do it. I think my body and brain need a break from it all (which is kind of what I've done for the past two days). I've sat, watched t.v., caught up on some blogs - pretty much done nothing. And although I hate days like that (where I feel unproductive) I feel like I'm recharging. I went to the gym this past morning and had so much energy I didn't want to stop working out! That is, until the congestion from my cold kicked in and I started feeling a little woozy and sick. Yeah, it's time to get some water and walk away.
Tomorrow I'll be heading with a friend to Lush! Neither of us have been and we tried to go last year, but (probably due to myhorrible great luck) it was closed for renovations. Shows how important it is to call ahead and check I suppose. I plan on bringing along my recital dress so I can look for some flats to go with it...not in Lush, silly, in a shoe store! My recital is coming up so quickly and I know I won't want to sing in high heels - it's just not natural for me, being as tall as I am. I'm hoping to find some that will not be too expensive, but will be comfortable and go quite well with the dress. Worse comes to worse I have some high heels that would go well with it, but I'd prefer to not go there.
Ramble, ramble, ramble, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Maybe I'll find something good on t.v. that will put me to sleep. Wait a minute, that's a horrible idea! If I find something good on I'll stay up to watch it. So...I should put an infomercial on? Oy, I don't know. I'll probably look for something good, watch it for a while, and eventually fall asleep no matter how interesting it is. Man, I wish I hadn't lost my lip balm in my bed last night.
Well, I hope this suffices for an interesting read. I'll probably chuckle at it when I read it later.
Send me sleepy vibes!
I hope some of you are already home for the holidays or in the not too distant future are going to be with your families. I am currently sitting in my bed at home wondering why I am not tired. It's almost 1 a.m. for goodness' sake!
Well, these past few days have been a lazy blur. I've been in the most least productive mood. No matter how many times I pull up an assignment to work on I just can't seem to push myself to do it. I think my body and brain need a break from it all (which is kind of what I've done for the past two days). I've sat, watched t.v., caught up on some blogs - pretty much done nothing. And although I hate days like that (where I feel unproductive) I feel like I'm recharging. I went to the gym this past morning and had so much energy I didn't want to stop working out! That is, until the congestion from my cold kicked in and I started feeling a little woozy and sick. Yeah, it's time to get some water and walk away.
Tomorrow I'll be heading with a friend to Lush! Neither of us have been and we tried to go last year, but (probably due to my
Ramble, ramble, ramble, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Maybe I'll find something good on t.v. that will put me to sleep. Wait a minute, that's a horrible idea! If I find something good on I'll stay up to watch it. So...I should put an infomercial on? Oy, I don't know. I'll probably look for something good, watch it for a while, and eventually fall asleep no matter how interesting it is. Man, I wish I hadn't lost my lip balm in my bed last night.
Well, I hope this suffices for an interesting read. I'll probably chuckle at it when I read it later.
Send me sleepy vibes!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Gosh-Golly-Miss-Molly Stressed
Hello everyone!
I. am. stressed. Like, Gosh-Golly-Miss-Molly stressed.
My senior recital is coming up fast. It's starting to sink in how close it is and how unprepared I am. Holy fish, do I have a lot to get done. I really need to get a move on memorizing my music and, you know, practicing my butt off. Tonight I was productive in practicing and preparing, but I'm still a bit nervous.
Honestly, I don't have much else to say right now. I need to hit the hay so I can get up and continue preparing.
I'll write you all again soon.
I. am. stressed. Like, Gosh-Golly-Miss-Molly stressed.
My senior recital is coming up fast. It's starting to sink in how close it is and how unprepared I am. Holy fish, do I have a lot to get done. I really need to get a move on memorizing my music and, you know, practicing my butt off. Tonight I was productive in practicing and preparing, but I'm still a bit nervous.
Honestly, I don't have much else to say right now. I need to hit the hay so I can get up and continue preparing.
I'll write you all again soon.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Ramble #3?
Hello all!
I've just put all my laundry away, cleaned up a portion of my room, and am now sitting on my bed relaxing. Um...what happened to all that oomph I had to do my homework?!
Well, darn.
I need to make a list of all I need to do tomorrow - it shouldn't be a lazy day for me. I really need to kick everything up a notch. With all the craziness that has been going on I've just put some things on hold for a few days and it's really catching up with me. I hate being behind! Reading for class isn't one of my favorite past times and now I've got more to read than I'd like all because I was taking a breather. Arg. Hmph. Grr.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
It's getting late. I'm going to make a list while my roommate takes her shower and then I'll get ready for bed. I need to start getting ready for bed earlier. I've recently been timing my want to get ready for bed as soon as my roommate decides to take a shower. Not so smart, huh?
I'm on a ramble. Well, I'm just needing to talk and at times just writing things down or even thinking things to myself allows me to vent. Maybe vent isn't the right word. Oh well. I'm feeling very childish - like I act too childish for my age. I can't decide if that's good - it's very much a fun, bubbly part of who I am and closely relates to my education major - or bad - uh, you're old so grow up. I'm not that old, but I feel...Bah! Whatever. My roommate just got out of the shower, so the ramble stops now.
Listening to The Fix is In by Ok Go,
I'll write you again soon.
I've just put all my laundry away, cleaned up a portion of my room, and am now sitting on my bed relaxing. Um...what happened to all that oomph I had to do my homework?!
Well, darn.
I need to make a list of all I need to do tomorrow - it shouldn't be a lazy day for me. I really need to kick everything up a notch. With all the craziness that has been going on I've just put some things on hold for a few days and it's really catching up with me. I hate being behind! Reading for class isn't one of my favorite past times and now I've got more to read than I'd like all because I was taking a breather. Arg. Hmph. Grr.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
It's getting late. I'm going to make a list while my roommate takes her shower and then I'll get ready for bed. I need to start getting ready for bed earlier. I've recently been timing my want to get ready for bed as soon as my roommate decides to take a shower. Not so smart, huh?
I'm on a ramble. Well, I'm just needing to talk and at times just writing things down or even thinking things to myself allows me to vent. Maybe vent isn't the right word. Oh well. I'm feeling very childish - like I act too childish for my age. I can't decide if that's good - it's very much a fun, bubbly part of who I am and closely relates to my education major - or bad - uh, you're old so grow up. I'm not that old, but I feel...Bah! Whatever. My roommate just got out of the shower, so the ramble stops now.
Listening to The Fix is In by Ok Go,
I'll write you again soon.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Baby, It's Cold Out There
Hello everyone!
I'm extremely excited - it's finally getting colder and acting like fall! The tree's have been giving me a taste of fall with their leaves slowly changing from green to red, but the temperature had yet to significantly drop. Today I will be sporting a nice sweater to keep me warm. Ooooo, I'm so excited!!!!
I also thought I'd share a new plant with you guys. I've now got an orchid! One of my friends back home gave it to me as a sympathy present. It's beautiful, but testy. One of the blooms has been wilting and I only just found out yesterday that after you water them you have to remove the excess water at the bottom of the plant so it doesn't drown! I've never had an orchid before, so this will be an experience. Mr. Bamboo, however, is doing just fine.
I'm currently typing to you all while watching Pregnant in Heels. Some of these women are driving me nuts! I'm sorry, but when you are pregnant and about to have a baby you should know and be prepared to change a diaper and feed them. Geez, Louise.
All right, I should really start getting ready for the day. I will write you all again soon!
I'm extremely excited - it's finally getting colder and acting like fall! The tree's have been giving me a taste of fall with their leaves slowly changing from green to red, but the temperature had yet to significantly drop. Today I will be sporting a nice sweater to keep me warm. Ooooo, I'm so excited!!!!
I also thought I'd share a new plant with you guys. I've now got an orchid! One of my friends back home gave it to me as a sympathy present. It's beautiful, but testy. One of the blooms has been wilting and I only just found out yesterday that after you water them you have to remove the excess water at the bottom of the plant so it doesn't drown! I've never had an orchid before, so this will be an experience. Mr. Bamboo, however, is doing just fine.
I'm currently typing to you all while watching Pregnant in Heels. Some of these women are driving me nuts! I'm sorry, but when you are pregnant and about to have a baby you should know and be prepared to change a diaper and feed them. Geez, Louise.
All right, I should really start getting ready for the day. I will write you all again soon!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Never A Lazy Moment
Hello again!
I know, right?!? Two posts in a row? It's like I'm starting to get back into the swing of it all!
I got up this morning at about the same time I do every morning, but today I don't have class for a "long" time (a few hours, at least). I was thinking about the things I could do - get groceries, wash the dishes, buy a new belt (the one I was wearing yesterday practically disintegrated. Rest in peace little pants-holder-upper-buddy), return the recycling...the list could go on and on. However, what is my first instinct to do with all this time? Youtube! Oy.
I pack my life with so much to do and so many activities to participate in that I don't leave a lot of room for myself to relax. So, whenever I do get a free second I tend to turn into lazy Kt who wants nothing more than a candle burning, a good movie on t.v., or an hour to watch some makeup tutorials on Youtube. Not too much to ask, right? Well, unfortunately life doesn't work that way. I have other things I should get done instead of relaxing. Psh, I'll relax when I'm retired...maybe.
And I always feel better if I get a lot of things done rather than waste the day away. Doing nothing makes me feel like a bum and I hate, hate, hate that feeling. Getting things done makes me feel like I accomplished something, I made a dent in my never ending to do list.
So, I will use this extra morning time to get ready and get some things done. No wasting time today. Let's be productive!
P.S. I had a pretty yummy breakfast this morning and I think you all should try it if you can! I made some oatmeal, added about a spoonful of pumpkin puree, a dash of pumpkin pie spice, and a little bit of sugar. Delicious! You have to really like pumpkin though as it is VERY pumpkin-y.
I know, right?!? Two posts in a row? It's like I'm starting to get back into the swing of it all!
I got up this morning at about the same time I do every morning, but today I don't have class for a "long" time (a few hours, at least). I was thinking about the things I could do - get groceries, wash the dishes, buy a new belt (the one I was wearing yesterday practically disintegrated. Rest in peace little pants-holder-upper-buddy), return the recycling...the list could go on and on. However, what is my first instinct to do with all this time? Youtube! Oy.
I pack my life with so much to do and so many activities to participate in that I don't leave a lot of room for myself to relax. So, whenever I do get a free second I tend to turn into lazy Kt who wants nothing more than a candle burning, a good movie on t.v., or an hour to watch some makeup tutorials on Youtube. Not too much to ask, right? Well, unfortunately life doesn't work that way. I have other things I should get done instead of relaxing. Psh, I'll relax when I'm retired...maybe.
And I always feel better if I get a lot of things done rather than waste the day away. Doing nothing makes me feel like a bum and I hate, hate, hate that feeling. Getting things done makes me feel like I accomplished something, I made a dent in my never ending to do list.
So, I will use this extra morning time to get ready and get some things done. No wasting time today. Let's be productive!
P.S. I had a pretty yummy breakfast this morning and I think you all should try it if you can! I made some oatmeal, added about a spoonful of pumpkin puree, a dash of pumpkin pie spice, and a little bit of sugar. Delicious! You have to really like pumpkin though as it is VERY pumpkin-y.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Fall Adventures
Hey-o everybody!
I don't have anything super important to tell you guys, but I thought I'd describe some of the adventures I've been taking lately.
Last weekend I drove to the nearest big town that had an Ulta (because we don't have one here) and bought...the Naked Palette by Urban Decay! Omg I LOVE this thing! I had started to gain a craving for it a few weeks before my birthday and found that I could buy it plus the Sesche Vite top coat with all of my birthday money.Woo! I've been using it every single day. I don't usually wear eyeshadow so wearing some everyday is a big change, but I love it! I'm glad there are make-up tutorials to follow using the palette (I've been using this one everyday). Anyways, I'm excited to gain more confidence in the palette and in my make-up skills in general so I can explore all the beautiful colors!
Next adventure also occurred last weekend! I went with my marching band section to a nearby apple orchard! The drive was gorgeous - the trees are really beginning to turn colors so there was an array of greens, yellows, oranges, and reds. I love this time of year. The smell of burning leaves, the chilly air... So wonderful! Unfortunately, all the apples had been picked at the orchard so I left without any apples, but it's all right! I got a wonderful drive out of it and that's enough for me.
Last adventure happened last night. I was excited and surprised that our marching band director let us out of rehearsal an hour early - that doesn't happen often. He said a storm was coming and didn't want any of the instruments to get ruined. Fair explanation, but I didn't see any clouds that looked like they were going to pour. Oh, was I wrong. My roomie and I decided to head to the grocery store to get some Chinese food (trust me, they have the best Chinese food) and the drive back was TERRIBLE. I have never driven in that much rain. I drove through lakes in the street, watched the driveway of a gas station turn into a waterfall, and absolutely freaked out as hail started to pelt my car. That was not fun. I get enough anxiety from turning my windshield wipers to the fastest setting! I'm so glad we got home in one piece so we could eat our Chinese food. Hey, a girl's gotta eat!
Any who, I want to continue to update on here more often. I'm disappointed in myself that I haven't. I'll try to use some of my free time to work on this instead of watching yet another episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians.
I will write you all again soon.
I don't have anything super important to tell you guys, but I thought I'd describe some of the adventures I've been taking lately.
Last weekend I drove to the nearest big town that had an Ulta (because we don't have one here) and bought...the Naked Palette by Urban Decay! Omg I LOVE this thing! I had started to gain a craving for it a few weeks before my birthday and found that I could buy it plus the Sesche Vite top coat with all of my birthday money.Woo! I've been using it every single day. I don't usually wear eyeshadow so wearing some everyday is a big change, but I love it! I'm glad there are make-up tutorials to follow using the palette (I've been using this one everyday). Anyways, I'm excited to gain more confidence in the palette and in my make-up skills in general so I can explore all the beautiful colors!
Next adventure also occurred last weekend! I went with my marching band section to a nearby apple orchard! The drive was gorgeous - the trees are really beginning to turn colors so there was an array of greens, yellows, oranges, and reds. I love this time of year. The smell of burning leaves, the chilly air... So wonderful! Unfortunately, all the apples had been picked at the orchard so I left without any apples, but it's all right! I got a wonderful drive out of it and that's enough for me.
Last adventure happened last night. I was excited and surprised that our marching band director let us out of rehearsal an hour early - that doesn't happen often. He said a storm was coming and didn't want any of the instruments to get ruined. Fair explanation, but I didn't see any clouds that looked like they were going to pour. Oh, was I wrong. My roomie and I decided to head to the grocery store to get some Chinese food (trust me, they have the best Chinese food) and the drive back was TERRIBLE. I have never driven in that much rain. I drove through lakes in the street, watched the driveway of a gas station turn into a waterfall, and absolutely freaked out as hail started to pelt my car. That was not fun. I get enough anxiety from turning my windshield wipers to the fastest setting! I'm so glad we got home in one piece so we could eat our Chinese food. Hey, a girl's gotta eat!
Any who, I want to continue to update on here more often. I'm disappointed in myself that I haven't. I'll try to use some of my free time to work on this instead of watching yet another episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians.
I will write you all again soon.
Monday, October 3, 2011
I Love My Grandma
Hello everyone,
This past week has been such a blur. So much has happened.
I celebrated my birthday first with my grandma and mom and later with some friends. It was great to be able to celebrate with both ends of the spectrum. The day of my birthday was a football game so the night was spent eating dinner with my dad and step mom. It was an iffy sort of birthday - many ups and downs. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I'm still unsure how I feel about it.
A few days later I ended up sick. Mainly body aches, chills, a headache, and a 101 degree fever. This cold (or whatever this is) made me sleepy, congested, and coughy. Lovely, right? The progression of yuckiness is not getting much better.
To top it all off, my grandma ended up in the hospital on my birthday. She was very old and had so many health problems, but, regardless, I was scared. I wanted my grandma well. I wanted her to be comfortable and in her room at the retirement home. I had thought for a very long time that I would like her to pass quietly in her sleep. Nothing painful or extended. I hoped we would find one day that she had never woken up. She instead was in the hospital having mini heat attacks and filling with fluid her kidneys could no longer control. I saw her and was able to hear her say, "Oh, hi!" and "I'm fine", but that is all. She was with her children (I had gone back to school to get some work done) when she passed. Her funeral was held today.
My grandma was a trooper. She was technologically savvy, fashionable, and all together with it. Her mind stayed with her even when her body wouldn't. I am so glad I got to spend quality time with her. I'm thinking I may frame/put on display the birthday card she gave me as it's the last thing she signed for me. It was an honor to sing for your funeral, grandma. I just wish I could have held it together so you could have heard some "real music" and not just your blubbering grand daughter. She's probably laughing with my grandpa in heaven saying, "For goodness' sake! They didn't have to make such a fuss".
I love you grandma. Thanks for being you regardless of what life gave you.
This past week has been such a blur. So much has happened.
I celebrated my birthday first with my grandma and mom and later with some friends. It was great to be able to celebrate with both ends of the spectrum. The day of my birthday was a football game so the night was spent eating dinner with my dad and step mom. It was an iffy sort of birthday - many ups and downs. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I'm still unsure how I feel about it.
A few days later I ended up sick. Mainly body aches, chills, a headache, and a 101 degree fever. This cold (or whatever this is) made me sleepy, congested, and coughy. Lovely, right? The progression of yuckiness is not getting much better.
To top it all off, my grandma ended up in the hospital on my birthday. She was very old and had so many health problems, but, regardless, I was scared. I wanted my grandma well. I wanted her to be comfortable and in her room at the retirement home. I had thought for a very long time that I would like her to pass quietly in her sleep. Nothing painful or extended. I hoped we would find one day that she had never woken up. She instead was in the hospital having mini heat attacks and filling with fluid her kidneys could no longer control. I saw her and was able to hear her say, "Oh, hi!" and "I'm fine", but that is all. She was with her children (I had gone back to school to get some work done) when she passed. Her funeral was held today.
My grandma was a trooper. She was technologically savvy, fashionable, and all together with it. Her mind stayed with her even when her body wouldn't. I am so glad I got to spend quality time with her. I'm thinking I may frame/put on display the birthday card she gave me as it's the last thing she signed for me. It was an honor to sing for your funeral, grandma. I just wish I could have held it together so you could have heard some "real music" and not just your blubbering grand daughter. She's probably laughing with my grandpa in heaven saying, "For goodness' sake! They didn't have to make such a fuss".
I love you grandma. Thanks for being you regardless of what life gave you.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Trips Down History Lane
Woah, woah, wooooaaaah.
I have a blog?
Just kidding! I have been super busy the past few weeks. And I plan for the rest of the semester to get even more on top of my homework and ready for my senior recital (which is happening this semester - eek!).
Last weekend was exciting! I got to go on a little road trip with my mom for a family thing and ended up learning a whole lot about my family's history. I had never been to the town my grandparents grew up in, but we were passing by and decided to stop and take a look at the cemetery where everyone was buried. I better understood what happened with specific family members when I was able to see where they came from and where they lived. I really appreciated that trip.
I wonder if some of you find going to a cemetery creepy. I think they're full of history and a place that should be held with respect. Maybe it's because I lost both of my grandfathers before I was born and have visited their grave ever since, but I think cemeteries have a bad reputation. Some headstones can be beautiful and, honestly, you're probably going to buried in one someday so why not follow the golden rule - treat others the way you want to be treated? Well, I suppose in this scenario it would be treat the deceased the way you would want to be treated when deceased. Either way, they're a place for respect in my eyes.
Forrest Gump is currently on TV. I love this movie. It's raw and beautiful. Life isn't fairy tales, but you can do what you want with it. Make it your own. Ah, the things you watch before going to bed. I should probably hit the sack before it gets to the really sad part.
"Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get". So carpe diem, everyone! Write you again soon.
I have a blog?
Just kidding! I have been super busy the past few weeks. And I plan for the rest of the semester to get even more on top of my homework and ready for my senior recital (which is happening this semester - eek!).
Last weekend was exciting! I got to go on a little road trip with my mom for a family thing and ended up learning a whole lot about my family's history. I had never been to the town my grandparents grew up in, but we were passing by and decided to stop and take a look at the cemetery where everyone was buried. I better understood what happened with specific family members when I was able to see where they came from and where they lived. I really appreciated that trip.
I wonder if some of you find going to a cemetery creepy. I think they're full of history and a place that should be held with respect. Maybe it's because I lost both of my grandfathers before I was born and have visited their grave ever since, but I think cemeteries have a bad reputation. Some headstones can be beautiful and, honestly, you're probably going to buried in one someday so why not follow the golden rule - treat others the way you want to be treated? Well, I suppose in this scenario it would be treat the deceased the way you would want to be treated when deceased. Either way, they're a place for respect in my eyes.
Forrest Gump is currently on TV. I love this movie. It's raw and beautiful. Life isn't fairy tales, but you can do what you want with it. Make it your own. Ah, the things you watch before going to bed. I should probably hit the sack before it gets to the really sad part.
"Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get". So carpe diem, everyone! Write you again soon.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Being Yourself Is Hard...Apparently
Hey everyone,
Do you ever have one of those days? Or one of those hours? A time when things just all seem a little...hopeless?
I get in these moods occasionally, depending on what's going on around me. I'm in one of those moods at the moment. I don't feel accepted - I feel like a loser. I know I'm not, but it's hard to tell myself that.
I'm not the most outgoing person, especially after coming to college. For some reason I got a lot quieter in college. I can come up with some explanations, but I still get so frustrated. Why can't I just be myself - loud and proud? Why don't I try? Well, because I don't think changing anything now will help, that's why.
Of course I've got homework to finish so I will try to coax myself out of this mood with some chocolate milk and strawberries. Then I'll work on my homework and be so productive I'll forget about these yucky feelings.
I'll write you all again soon.
Do you ever have one of those days? Or one of those hours? A time when things just all seem a little...hopeless?
I get in these moods occasionally, depending on what's going on around me. I'm in one of those moods at the moment. I don't feel accepted - I feel like a loser. I know I'm not, but it's hard to tell myself that.
I'm not the most outgoing person, especially after coming to college. For some reason I got a lot quieter in college. I can come up with some explanations, but I still get so frustrated. Why can't I just be myself - loud and proud? Why don't I try? Well, because I don't think changing anything now will help, that's why.
Of course I've got homework to finish so I will try to coax myself out of this mood with some chocolate milk and strawberries. Then I'll work on my homework and be so productive I'll forget about these yucky feelings.
I'll write you all again soon.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Validate: verb to make valid; substantiate; confirm. Synonyms include authenticate, verify, and prove. (
I need some validation right about now.
Although today ended up being a fairly fun and productive day, when I stopped to think about specific things I just started to lose myself. Am I good enough? Why can't I be better? If I had been good enough I would have made it, right?
Needless to say, I did not make the top choir. There's a little complication behind the story, but I'll spare you those details. When the results rolled in I didn't take it very hard - I just kept going on with my day. No big deal. I know more people in the other choir anyway.
But when I stopped to think about it tonight I really lost myself in the low-self confidence hurricane I can be easily swept into. If I was good enough I should have made it, no matter what anyone says. How come people younger than me can get into the choir I'm in now? Am I just not good enough? Can I put on a recital? Is this all a facade to make me feel better?
I need some verification, validation, proof that I am good enough. I hope I can find it in myself.
I need some validation right about now.
Although today ended up being a fairly fun and productive day, when I stopped to think about specific things I just started to lose myself. Am I good enough? Why can't I be better? If I had been good enough I would have made it, right?
Needless to say, I did not make the top choir. There's a little complication behind the story, but I'll spare you those details. When the results rolled in I didn't take it very hard - I just kept going on with my day. No big deal. I know more people in the other choir anyway.
But when I stopped to think about it tonight I really lost myself in the low-self confidence hurricane I can be easily swept into. If I was good enough I should have made it, no matter what anyone says. How come people younger than me can get into the choir I'm in now? Am I just not good enough? Can I put on a recital? Is this all a facade to make me feel better?
I need some verification, validation, proof that I am good enough. I hope I can find it in myself.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Let's Have A Good Day!
Hello everyone!
I'm up and I thought I'd say, "Hi!" to you all before I started getting ready for today.
Putting pressure on specific days to be wonderful often leads to disaster, right? Well, that's what often happens to me. I'll think, "This is going to be such a great day" and I'll end up stepping in a puddle, spilling food on myself, and the like. I'm going to put a little bit of that pressure on myself today. I want this day to go really well. I guess I just really want my choir audition to go well.
Pretty silly, right? But seriously! I want to be in the good choir! Not that I wasn't in one of the better choirs last year, but this year I want to seriously kick some butt and be in the top choir. My professor believed that I could do it last year and yet I didn't make it. I want to do it this year. And I want it pretty bad. It's a smaller ensemble and they sound so wonderful together. I'd like to be a part of it.
I've weighed the pros and cons of being in either choir. It really wouldn't be awful to be in the choir I was in last year - I'd probably be with a lot of friends. But, to honor my own determination I'd prefer (I think) to be in the top choir.
So! I will be getting showered, dressed, and ready for class with the intentions of spending some quality time in the practice room warming up my range, working on my sight reading, plunking out some pitch memory exercises, and reviewing the piece I plan to sing. I hope that will be enough to get me prepared.
Wish me luck! Or "Break a leg"! I'll write to you again soon.
I'm up and I thought I'd say, "Hi!" to you all before I started getting ready for today.
Putting pressure on specific days to be wonderful often leads to disaster, right? Well, that's what often happens to me. I'll think, "This is going to be such a great day" and I'll end up stepping in a puddle, spilling food on myself, and the like. I'm going to put a little bit of that pressure on myself today. I want this day to go really well. I guess I just really want my choir audition to go well.
Pretty silly, right? But seriously! I want to be in the good choir! Not that I wasn't in one of the better choirs last year, but this year I want to seriously kick some butt and be in the top choir. My professor believed that I could do it last year and yet I didn't make it. I want to do it this year. And I want it pretty bad. It's a smaller ensemble and they sound so wonderful together. I'd like to be a part of it.
I've weighed the pros and cons of being in either choir. It really wouldn't be awful to be in the choir I was in last year - I'd probably be with a lot of friends. But, to honor my own determination I'd prefer (I think) to be in the top choir.
So! I will be getting showered, dressed, and ready for class with the intentions of spending some quality time in the practice room warming up my range, working on my sight reading, plunking out some pitch memory exercises, and reviewing the piece I plan to sing. I hope that will be enough to get me prepared.
Wish me luck! Or "Break a leg"! I'll write to you again soon.
Monday, August 22, 2011
First Day Of School!!!
Hello everyone!
It's. The. FirstDayOfSchool!!! :D!
The first day of school has always been exciting for me. I love going to new classes, learning new things, getting a clean slate - I'm kind of a dork that way. I'm honestly interested in learning. Who would have known, right? Me being an education major and all...
But this semester is extremely focused on my music major. I'm getting a lot of little music classes out of the way so I can focus on my education major in the coming spring semester. I'm not taking a big course load (very new for me - I'm always busy), but I hope I can spend a lot of my free time practicing.
Overall, my first day of school was a success. I'll write you guys again soon, when I'm less tired.
It's. The. FirstDayOfSchool!!! :D!
The first day of school has always been exciting for me. I love going to new classes, learning new things, getting a clean slate - I'm kind of a dork that way. I'm honestly interested in learning. Who would have known, right? Me being an education major and all...
But this semester is extremely focused on my music major. I'm getting a lot of little music classes out of the way so I can focus on my education major in the coming spring semester. I'm not taking a big course load (very new for me - I'm always busy), but I hope I can spend a lot of my free time practicing.
Overall, my first day of school was a success. I'll write you guys again soon, when I'm less tired.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Here We Go!
Bonjour, tout le monde!
I am officially back! ...At school, that is. And for some odd reason I woke up quite early this morning. You know what that means! BLOG TIME!
I think I will sum up some significant things that have happened to me in the past few months. Ready? Set! GO!
Okay, the Thursday before Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II came out I was giddy. Harry Potter's grown up with me, so I was naturally excited to see the midnight premier. I didn't want to lose my excitement, so I decided to download a Harry Potter soundtrack to listen to at work (where it's appropriate to listen to music - don't think I'm a slacker!). Unfortunately, downloading and syncing the soundtrack to my iPod took some time so I ended up missing the bus. "Well, it's not too hot out. I'll just ride my bike!" Sounds like a good idea, but ended up with me crashing to the sidewalk. My bike couldn't get over the uneven grass onto the sidewalk, so I fell over. I'm still healing and I hope I don't scar, since they're not the prettiest scars I've seen. They'd look kind of hard core, but I'd prefer to be able to wear shorts without questions over what happened to me. Overall, I was very much in costume for the Hogwarts battle that night.
Because I fell off of my bike, and because I've wanted a new bike for years, I actually ended up with an early birthday present. This new bike is, how shall I phrase it, AMAZING! It's a hybrid with shocks and oh do I love it. My old bike was a garage sale bike bought for me in 5th grade. I'm a little older and taller than that now-a-days, so I'm happy to have a bike that actually fits me. Woo!
Now for the final big thing that has happened recently. A mouse got into our apartment. When I first heard the news I thought, "Um... Ah!!!!" But now that I've moved in I'm feeling better about the situation. Our maintenance guy told us it happens with this building (it's not the newest place on the block) and helped us set out mouse traps. I really don't want to hurt the poor guy, but I know that if I caught him and took him outside he'd likely come right back. I just hope we don't see him again so he doesn't have to suffer. Although, he'd die pretty instantaneous... Anticipating R.I.P. Mr. Mousey.
Today will be exciting! I'm going to start working in a leader position in marching band! That probably sounds super nerdy or not at all exciting to some of you, but hopefully a minority of you understand it.
Anyways, it's time for me to get ready! I'll write you guys again soon!
I am officially back! ...At school, that is. And for some odd reason I woke up quite early this morning. You know what that means! BLOG TIME!
I think I will sum up some significant things that have happened to me in the past few months. Ready? Set! GO!
Okay, the Thursday before Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II came out I was giddy. Harry Potter's grown up with me, so I was naturally excited to see the midnight premier. I didn't want to lose my excitement, so I decided to download a Harry Potter soundtrack to listen to at work (where it's appropriate to listen to music - don't think I'm a slacker!). Unfortunately, downloading and syncing the soundtrack to my iPod took some time so I ended up missing the bus. "Well, it's not too hot out. I'll just ride my bike!" Sounds like a good idea, but ended up with me crashing to the sidewalk. My bike couldn't get over the uneven grass onto the sidewalk, so I fell over. I'm still healing and I hope I don't scar, since they're not the prettiest scars I've seen. They'd look kind of hard core, but I'd prefer to be able to wear shorts without questions over what happened to me. Overall, I was very much in costume for the Hogwarts battle that night.
Because I fell off of my bike, and because I've wanted a new bike for years, I actually ended up with an early birthday present. This new bike is, how shall I phrase it, AMAZING! It's a hybrid with shocks and oh do I love it. My old bike was a garage sale bike bought for me in 5th grade. I'm a little older and taller than that now-a-days, so I'm happy to have a bike that actually fits me. Woo!
Now for the final big thing that has happened recently. A mouse got into our apartment. When I first heard the news I thought, "Um... Ah!!!!" But now that I've moved in I'm feeling better about the situation. Our maintenance guy told us it happens with this building (it's not the newest place on the block) and helped us set out mouse traps. I really don't want to hurt the poor guy, but I know that if I caught him and took him outside he'd likely come right back. I just hope we don't see him again so he doesn't have to suffer. Although, he'd die pretty instantaneous... Anticipating R.I.P. Mr. Mousey.
Today will be exciting! I'm going to start working in a leader position in marching band! That probably sounds super nerdy or not at all exciting to some of you, but hopefully a minority of you understand it.
Anyways, it's time for me to get ready! I'll write you guys again soon!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Hey, you!
Hello everyone!
Let's be honest. I've been taking a long break from updating this blog. Without further explanation (since I feel I've tried to explain myself so many times when I've lagged on updates), I will tell you a bit of what is currently going on.
I've finished my classes for the summer and am now relaxing at home. I've taken pictures of things I have done in the past few weeks. Perhaps I'll post them tomorrow. We'll see :D
Tonight I watched Super 8 at a second run theatre with some of my high school friends. A good movie, if I may say so myself. Mainly, though, I'm just glad I got a chance to see some friends! This past week I only saw two friends (out of my large circle) from Saturday - Thursday. It was pretty depressing. I'm glad I've gotten a chance to catch up with a few. I think a movie night is in order this coming week so I can see more than three people at once.
I'm truly not keeping my full attention to this post, so I'm just going to leave it at that. I'll write again soon!
Let's be honest. I've been taking a long break from updating this blog. Without further explanation (since I feel I've tried to explain myself so many times when I've lagged on updates), I will tell you a bit of what is currently going on.
I've finished my classes for the summer and am now relaxing at home. I've taken pictures of things I have done in the past few weeks. Perhaps I'll post them tomorrow. We'll see :D
Tonight I watched Super 8 at a second run theatre with some of my high school friends. A good movie, if I may say so myself. Mainly, though, I'm just glad I got a chance to see some friends! This past week I only saw two friends (out of my large circle) from Saturday - Thursday. It was pretty depressing. I'm glad I've gotten a chance to catch up with a few. I think a movie night is in order this coming week so I can see more than three people at once.
I'm truly not keeping my full attention to this post, so I'm just going to leave it at that. I'll write again soon!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hi everyone!
I've been using this time away from blogging to catch up on homework and catch up on sleep (not on the same night's, of course). I am anticipating being unable to write tonight so I thought I'd write a quick little blurb now. Why won't I be able to write tonight, you ask? Because I'm going to the Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 midnight premiere!!!!!!!!
Harry Potter is kind of, what's the word, AH-MA-ZING! I grew up with the characters. I never went to the midnight book premieres, but I read them as they came out. Well, except for the first few books when I was acting like a hipster child and didn't want to read something so mainstream. And when school caught up with me while I was reading the 6th book. Since I started reading the books I've been going to the midnight premieres. I've been to the midnight Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, and Deathly Hallows Part 1. I wanted so badly to go to the Half Blood Prince premiere, but I hadn't finished the book. I told myself I could not go to any midnight premieres without reading the books first, so I skipped that one. I ended up rereading the books two years ago and finished them last winter break (I had classes and couldn't finish books in a few weeks, so sue me!).
Okay, so tonight I will be going to the premiere with a friend from school (not my high school buddies that I usually go with, a college buddy) and we will be DRESSING UP! Yeah!!!! I've never dressed up for the premieres before - except when I convinced my two other friends to wear their 8th grade graduation robe to one of the premieres - they were robs, right?
I'm sad this is the end of an era, but I'm glad I at least get to go and have been a part of this wonderful creation.
Okay, I need to go get ready for the day and stop watching Boy Meets World.
Write you later!
I've been using this time away from blogging to catch up on homework and catch up on sleep (not on the same night's, of course). I am anticipating being unable to write tonight so I thought I'd write a quick little blurb now. Why won't I be able to write tonight, you ask? Because I'm going to the Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 midnight premiere!!!!!!!!
Harry Potter is kind of, what's the word, AH-MA-ZING! I grew up with the characters. I never went to the midnight book premieres, but I read them as they came out. Well, except for the first few books when I was acting like a hipster child and didn't want to read something so mainstream. And when school caught up with me while I was reading the 6th book. Since I started reading the books I've been going to the midnight premieres. I've been to the midnight Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, and Deathly Hallows Part 1. I wanted so badly to go to the Half Blood Prince premiere, but I hadn't finished the book. I told myself I could not go to any midnight premieres without reading the books first, so I skipped that one. I ended up rereading the books two years ago and finished them last winter break (I had classes and couldn't finish books in a few weeks, so sue me!).
Okay, so tonight I will be going to the premiere with a friend from school (not my high school buddies that I usually go with, a college buddy) and we will be DRESSING UP! Yeah!!!! I've never dressed up for the premieres before - except when I convinced my two other friends to wear their 8th grade graduation robe to one of the premieres - they were robs, right?
I'm sad this is the end of an era, but I'm glad I at least get to go and have been a part of this wonderful creation.
Okay, I need to go get ready for the day and stop watching Boy Meets World.
Write you later!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Survival Of Unpacking
Hi everyone,
So, I'm running on 4 hours of sleep. Despite that I'm not yet tired. I should be tired and going to bed immediately so I can work efficiently tomorrow. ...whatever.
Today I had classes and wrote a paper. Mainly, I'm happy I survived the day with little sleep. Right this second I'm relaxing, but I'll get ready for bed soon in hopes that I can sleep. Maybe I'll unpack from this weekends trip home tomorrow...
Write you tomorrow,
So, I'm running on 4 hours of sleep. Despite that I'm not yet tired. I should be tired and going to bed immediately so I can work efficiently tomorrow. ...whatever.
Today I had classes and wrote a paper. Mainly, I'm happy I survived the day with little sleep. Right this second I'm relaxing, but I'll get ready for bed soon in hopes that I can sleep. Maybe I'll unpack from this weekends trip home tomorrow...
Write you tomorrow,
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Sick Of This
Hey everyone,
So, I'm screwed. There is no way I won't be staying up all night working and working and working. I'm so over summer classes. It was the 4th of July weekend! I didn't spend every waking moment of it doing my assignments, so sue me! Now I just have to rid myself of sleep (yet again) for education's sake. This should not be happening. I'm tired. I want to sleep. But I will be up until God-knows-when working, working, WORKING! So sick of this. I'll probably just get sick from this.
Go and have sweet dreams. I'll be here slaving away,
So, I'm screwed. There is no way I won't be staying up all night working and working and working. I'm so over summer classes. It was the 4th of July weekend! I didn't spend every waking moment of it doing my assignments, so sue me! Now I just have to rid myself of sleep (yet again) for education's sake. This should not be happening. I'm tired. I want to sleep. But I will be up until God-knows-when working, working, WORKING! So sick of this. I'll probably just get sick from this.
Go and have sweet dreams. I'll be here slaving away,
Happy 4th of July!!!!
Hi everyone!
This weekend has been busy hanging out with family so I'm sorry for not posting. This weekend I performed a handbell piece my quartet has been practicing for a year (Pick A Winner), I ate dinner with some family, saw a parade, and watched fireworks with some friends. Now I'm pooped and need to go back to school.
I'll write you again tomorrow,
This weekend has been busy hanging out with family so I'm sorry for not posting. This weekend I performed a handbell piece my quartet has been practicing for a year (Pick A Winner), I ate dinner with some family, saw a parade, and watched fireworks with some friends. Now I'm pooped and need to go back to school.
I'll write you again tomorrow,
Monday, June 27, 2011
Long Day
Hi everyone,
Today was incredibly, ridiculously, exhaustingly long. That is all.
Today was incredibly, ridiculously, exhaustingly long. That is all.
Guilty Sleep
Hi everybody,
I honestly hate that, as a human, you have to sleep as I will probably not be getting any tonight. I've got so much homework. It makes me feel guilty that I took some time for myself yesterday. That was stupid. And of course I'm getting tired. Ug...
I honestly hate that, as a human, you have to sleep as I will probably not be getting any tonight. I've got so much homework. It makes me feel guilty that I took some time for myself yesterday. That was stupid. And of course I'm getting tired. Ug...
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hard Core Shopping
Hi everyone!
Sorry I missed last night. I was so tired from a day of shopping and laundry. Thank goodness for the movie Airplane and dark hot chocolate. It was a good wind down for the day. I'm spending today with some homework, my mom, and my grandma. I've got to get ready so I can get going! ...mainly get started with my homework. Booooo D:
Write you later,
Sorry I missed last night. I was so tired from a day of shopping and laundry. Thank goodness for the movie Airplane and dark hot chocolate. It was a good wind down for the day. I'm spending today with some homework, my mom, and my grandma. I've got to get ready so I can get going! ...mainly get started with my homework. Booooo D:
Write you later,
Friday, June 24, 2011
Bed, Bath, and Body Works
Hey everyone!
I'm going to bed pretty much as soon as I post this.
Today was big. I went to class, met with a student for a class assignment, went crazy at Bath and Body Works (sales are the best/worst things), spent some time with my grandma, and ate a banana split from Dairy Queen to finish off my non-dessert week.
I'm going to bed pretty much as soon as I post this.
Today was big. I went to class, met with a student for a class assignment, went crazy at Bath and Body Works (sales are the best/worst things), spent some time with my grandma, and ate a banana split from Dairy Queen to finish off my non-dessert week.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sharing Feelings
Hey everyone!
Today wasn't the most eventful day - I worked, had a meeting, walked home, read for class - so I thought I'd share some feelings with you today.
"Oh no... Here she goes," is probably what you all are thinking. But I really just want to express this to you all.
Are you ready?
This is big!
Are you sure?
"Shut up, Kt"?
Okay, okay.
Here it is:
I'm so incredibly happy that I'm going to be an elementary school teacher. I love kids and I want the best for them - a place where they are safe to express themselves and not be judged, a place where they can learn, a place where I can make them realize how incredibly bright and wonderful they are! I love my education classes because they apply to what I want to do. I love that whenever we talk about a classroom I feel myself light up and imagine myself with my own "kids". I'm excited to not only watch them learn, but see how I can learn from them! Those little heads full of imagination, creativity, life! And I want to shape them and show them so many things.
I know the stereotypical downsides to teaching - low salary, little appreciation, etc. - but I don't care. It's what I want to do. I think it's what I was made to do. And I want to be fantastic at it.
I hope I can be a Rockstar like Mrs. Mimi or one of the amazing teachers I had as a kid.
I'm excited for the future (mainly after that rough first year of teaching).
Today wasn't the most eventful day - I worked, had a meeting, walked home, read for class - so I thought I'd share some feelings with you today.
"Oh no... Here she goes," is probably what you all are thinking. But I really just want to express this to you all.
Are you ready?
This is big!
Are you sure?
"Shut up, Kt"?
Okay, okay.
Here it is:
I'm so incredibly happy that I'm going to be an elementary school teacher. I love kids and I want the best for them - a place where they are safe to express themselves and not be judged, a place where they can learn, a place where I can make them realize how incredibly bright and wonderful they are! I love my education classes because they apply to what I want to do. I love that whenever we talk about a classroom I feel myself light up and imagine myself with my own "kids". I'm excited to not only watch them learn, but see how I can learn from them! Those little heads full of imagination, creativity, life! And I want to shape them and show them so many things.
I know the stereotypical downsides to teaching - low salary, little appreciation, etc. - but I don't care. It's what I want to do. I think it's what I was made to do. And I want to be fantastic at it.
I hope I can be a Rockstar like Mrs. Mimi or one of the amazing teachers I had as a kid.
I'm excited for the future (mainly after that rough first year of teaching).
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Long Day Desserts
Hey everyone!
Not going to lie - this week is kicking my butt! I've finally started my summer ritual of 8 a.m. to 1 or 2 p.m. days (with nights often filled with class as well). Sorry for not posting last night. I took advantage of the longest day of the year by jogging down a path near my apartment. This, of course, is after a 6 hour work shift that I rode my bike to and from (and my bike seat is, let's say, not the most comfortable). After that I fell asleep. Yep, the same thing I do when I forget to write a blog any other day.
Today I had my first 5 hour class. It wasn't too tough to get through - the subject is interesting and I'm excited to learn (dork alert!) - but we'll have to see how that goes for the next few weeks. I think I'll be glad to sleep at night - after I've done all my class readings, of course.
I've been trying to do this don't-eat-dessert-for-a-week thing, but I accidentally failed this morning. My teacher made brownies and muffins and I thought, "Hey, muffins are better than brownies, right? Not a total dessert." (I think I was trying to justify needing the sustenance) so I took a muffin only to find out after the first bite that it had chocolate chips in it. ...Well, that spoiled my effort. So, I caved. At my class this evening I candy was passed around and I politely said, "No, thank you", but when one of the students gave me a piece of candy when they were demonstrating a lesson I thought, "Now I have to eat it!" So, fine. I confess. I've eaten a Reese's peanut butter cup, two Starbursts, one cookies and cream egg, and a Jolly Rancher chew. Mind you, these were all small, but it was my little cheat for the week. I'll start a clean slate tomorrow.
Off to sleep at a decent hour,
Not going to lie - this week is kicking my butt! I've finally started my summer ritual of 8 a.m. to 1 or 2 p.m. days (with nights often filled with class as well). Sorry for not posting last night. I took advantage of the longest day of the year by jogging down a path near my apartment. This, of course, is after a 6 hour work shift that I rode my bike to and from (and my bike seat is, let's say, not the most comfortable). After that I fell asleep. Yep, the same thing I do when I forget to write a blog any other day.
Today I had my first 5 hour class. It wasn't too tough to get through - the subject is interesting and I'm excited to learn (dork alert!) - but we'll have to see how that goes for the next few weeks. I think I'll be glad to sleep at night - after I've done all my class readings, of course.
I've been trying to do this don't-eat-dessert-for-a-week thing, but I accidentally failed this morning. My teacher made brownies and muffins and I thought, "Hey, muffins are better than brownies, right? Not a total dessert." (I think I was trying to justify needing the sustenance) so I took a muffin only to find out after the first bite that it had chocolate chips in it. ...Well, that spoiled my effort. So, I caved. At my class this evening I candy was passed around and I politely said, "No, thank you", but when one of the students gave me a piece of candy when they were demonstrating a lesson I thought, "Now I have to eat it!" So, fine. I confess. I've eaten a Reese's peanut butter cup, two Starbursts, one cookies and cream egg, and a Jolly Rancher chew. Mind you, these were all small, but it was my little cheat for the week. I'll start a clean slate tomorrow.
Off to sleep at a decent hour,
Monday, June 20, 2011
Hey everyone!
Today I took my car to the shop, rode my bike to class (and got seriously sweaty - yuck), rode my bike to the car shop to pick up my car, did some classwork, drove to another class, and wrote this post :P!
Well, I suppose I missed one thing. My last class got out early, so I went grocery shopping! I picked up a few things that I needed and then a few things that sounded like good snack food. I've been hungry for some cheese slices, but I didn't want to settle on one flavor, so I bought some assorted cheese cubes instead. The one other snack food I can think of at the moment that I bought was yogurt covered raisins. I'm a tiny bit disappointed in them - there's more yogurt than raisin to them, making them a little sweeter than I really needed. Oh well, it'll be a good sweet snack when I need a pick me up.
This morning was the last time I get to sleep in on a weekday, so it's time to go to bed!
Write you tomorrow,
Today I took my car to the shop, rode my bike to class (and got seriously sweaty - yuck), rode my bike to the car shop to pick up my car, did some classwork, drove to another class, and wrote this post :P!
Well, I suppose I missed one thing. My last class got out early, so I went grocery shopping! I picked up a few things that I needed and then a few things that sounded like good snack food. I've been hungry for some cheese slices, but I didn't want to settle on one flavor, so I bought some assorted cheese cubes instead. The one other snack food I can think of at the moment that I bought was yogurt covered raisins. I'm a tiny bit disappointed in them - there's more yogurt than raisin to them, making them a little sweeter than I really needed. Oh well, it'll be a good sweet snack when I need a pick me up.
This morning was the last time I get to sleep in on a weekday, so it's time to go to bed!
Write you tomorrow,
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Nailed It
Hey everybody!
Sorry for not posting last night. Again, I knew I wasn't going to and I should have said so ahead of time.
Well, now I'm tired and don't feel like writing so this will probably be a short post again. But I wanted to show you guys how I painted my nails yesterday.
Painting my nails is a creative outlet for me. I've done watermelon french nails, drawn on ghosts and written "Boo", bows, flowers, hearts, snowflakes, and the list goes on. I don't think I'm amazing at it, but I'm not awful. I saw some nail trends in my newest issue of Glamour (my favorite magazine) andafter horribly painting one pattern from the article (I felt like a polka dotted dinosaur) decided to try out the swirl pattern:

Sorry for not posting last night. Again, I knew I wasn't going to and I should have said so ahead of time.
Well, now I'm tired and don't feel like writing so this will probably be a short post again. But I wanted to show you guys how I painted my nails yesterday.
Painting my nails is a creative outlet for me. I've done watermelon french nails, drawn on ghosts and written "Boo", bows, flowers, hearts, snowflakes, and the list goes on. I don't think I'm amazing at it, but I'm not awful. I saw some nail trends in my newest issue of Glamour (my favorite magazine) and
Mine didn't turn out as perfectly patterned as the picture, but I altered my materials from what was suggested (i.e. instead of a detail brush I used a bobby pin...). It took me a while to figure out how I felt about them, but I've decided I like them. I think I'll try it again some time and maybe use different colors.
On that note (and after noticing I bit the inside of my cheek - ow...) I'll be getting ready for bed. I hope I have better dreams that I did last night - nightmares suck.
Sweet dreams,
Friday, June 17, 2011
Hey everyone!
I thought tonight I'd show you some pictures of meals I've eaten this week (as today was not very interesting).
Here's something I whipped up for lunch this week:
I bought a cucumber when I went grocery shopping, but the only way I've liked eating cucumber was in these sandwiches. It sounded good, so cucumber finger sandwiches (whole wheat bread, cream cheese, and cucumber slices), sugar snap peas, blueberries, and raspberries it was!
This is one of the dinners I made this week:

Here's what I had for dinner tonight:
Sloppy joe's and salad! The salad is dressed with lite cesar dressing and instead of a bun I put my sloppy joe on whole wheat bread. I'm frustrated with how my sloppy joes came out this time. I typically do a pretty good job at making them, but my batch tonight had little flavor. I think the little extra water I added wasn't needed even though the mixture looked pretty darn thick.
As you can tell, I'm not a vegetarian. One of my roommates is and the other only eats chicken, but I haven't been able to give up meat. I completely support the ideas behind vegetarianism - I just can't do it. And vegan? Woah, Nelly. That would never work. Did you see how much parmesan was on my asparagus? I cannot do without dairy. It's one of my favorite food groups!
Well, before I start to head off to bed I think I'll drink a bit more water and eat a handful of blueberries. Good night!
I thought tonight I'd show you some pictures of meals I've eaten this week (as today was not very interesting).
Here's something I whipped up for lunch this week:
I bought a cucumber when I went grocery shopping, but the only way I've liked eating cucumber was in these sandwiches. It sounded good, so cucumber finger sandwiches (whole wheat bread, cream cheese, and cucumber slices), sugar snap peas, blueberries, and raspberries it was!
This is one of the dinners I made this week:
The broken up white stuff is lemon pepper fish. As I've said, I'm not a fantastic cook so this fillet was frozen. I love asparagus, but was kind of bored with butter and salt seasoning so I decided to season this batch with olive oil, garlic salt, and parmesan. The two flavors kind of clashed, but it was a pretty good meal. I realized I needed a carb afterward so I had some milk and cereal :P.
Sloppy joe's and salad! The salad is dressed with lite cesar dressing and instead of a bun I put my sloppy joe on whole wheat bread. I'm frustrated with how my sloppy joes came out this time. I typically do a pretty good job at making them, but my batch tonight had little flavor. I think the little extra water I added wasn't needed even though the mixture looked pretty darn thick.
As you can tell, I'm not a vegetarian. One of my roommates is and the other only eats chicken, but I haven't been able to give up meat. I completely support the ideas behind vegetarianism - I just can't do it. And vegan? Woah, Nelly. That would never work. Did you see how much parmesan was on my asparagus? I cannot do without dairy. It's one of my favorite food groups!
Well, before I start to head off to bed I think I'll drink a bit more water and eat a handful of blueberries. Good night!
Arranging Jobs
Morning everyone!
Sorry I didn't write a post last night. I purposefully decided not to write anything because I was in a foul mood. So, here's a morning post to make up for it!
Yesterday I had my first day of work for the summer! In past summers I've worked as a camp counselor and LOVED it. However, since I'm taking classes this summer I didn't have time to be a camp counselor D: so I had to take a job somewhere else. I think I'll like this job, but it is a tiny bummer that I can't work with kids like I normally do. I'll miss them.
I don't work all day, so when I got home I was able to start working on arranging a piece for the all female a capella group! If I really work at it, I think I can finish it pretty quickly! Woo hoo! The last piece I arranged took two years to finish because I had too much to do!
I guess it's time to get ready so I can start the day!
Sorry I didn't write a post last night. I purposefully decided not to write anything because I was in a foul mood. So, here's a morning post to make up for it!
Yesterday I had my first day of work for the summer! In past summers I've worked as a camp counselor and LOVED it. However, since I'm taking classes this summer I didn't have time to be a camp counselor D: so I had to take a job somewhere else. I think I'll like this job, but it is a tiny bummer that I can't work with kids like I normally do. I'll miss them.
I don't work all day, so when I got home I was able to start working on arranging a piece for the all female a capella group! If I really work at it, I think I can finish it pretty quickly! Woo hoo! The last piece I arranged took two years to finish because I had too much to do!
I guess it's time to get ready so I can start the day!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Waiting In Frustration
Good evening everyone,
I had an up and down day today. I got up at a decent hour (thank goodness!), but ended up frustrated as the day progressed. I went to run an errand only to find out that the place I was going to had closed 12 minutes before I got there. After I paid to park there I went to see if I could get some more information from someone I was having trouble understanding over e-mail only to sit for about 10 minutes waiting for someone that wasn't coming. R. A. W. R.
After that, I had class, which was fine. We had an interesting discussion on gender (biases, discrimination, oppression, whatever you would like to call it).
So now I'm pooped and plan to get up super early to see if I can talk to this person I wasn't able to see this afternoon.
Off to sleepy land! ...after I brush my teeth and wash my face,
I had an up and down day today. I got up at a decent hour (thank goodness!), but ended up frustrated as the day progressed. I went to run an errand only to find out that the place I was going to had closed 12 minutes before I got there. After I paid to park there I went to see if I could get some more information from someone I was having trouble understanding over e-mail only to sit for about 10 minutes waiting for someone that wasn't coming. R. A. W. R.
After that, I had class, which was fine. We had an interesting discussion on gender (biases, discrimination, oppression, whatever you would like to call it).
So now I'm pooped and plan to get up super early to see if I can talk to this person I wasn't able to see this afternoon.
Off to sleepy land! ...after I brush my teeth and wash my face,
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Guten tag!
Hey everybody!
I've brushed my teeth, washed my face, checked my e-mails, I'm ready for bed, and I'm actually tired! Woo hoo!!!
I've gotten really tired of spending my days not doing much of anything. Two of my classes don't start until next week and I don't start my job until Thursday, so I've been trying to come up with things to do during my oodles of free time. I can't handle free time. I feel like I waste it by not doing something. I know, I know. I'm kind of silly.
Today I got some stuff done (mainly cleaning dishes, vacuuming, disinfecting) and I think I've come up with a plan for tomorrow. I, hopefully, will do most of this list: work out, read for class, write discussion questions for said class, work on arranging something for the women's a capella group, go to the mall to see if a few CDs are available (sometimes you just want the hard copy over the mp3, you know?), and probably a few other things like repaint my nails and such. I hope I get some of that done so I can tire myself out and go to bed at a decent hour!
Before I go to sleep I want to say, "Hi!" to my German readers! I would say something in German, but my two years of attempting to get into a German foreign language class in high school failed and I ended up taking French (sorry! I had to take something so I could get into college!). I have no clue how you found my blog, but thanks for sticking to it and reading! I appreciate it :D
All right, goodnight everyone!
I've brushed my teeth, washed my face, checked my e-mails, I'm ready for bed, and I'm actually tired! Woo hoo!!!
I've gotten really tired of spending my days not doing much of anything. Two of my classes don't start until next week and I don't start my job until Thursday, so I've been trying to come up with things to do during my oodles of free time. I can't handle free time. I feel like I waste it by not doing something. I know, I know. I'm kind of silly.
Today I got some stuff done (mainly cleaning dishes, vacuuming, disinfecting) and I think I've come up with a plan for tomorrow. I, hopefully, will do most of this list: work out, read for class, write discussion questions for said class, work on arranging something for the women's a capella group, go to the mall to see if a few CDs are available (sometimes you just want the hard copy over the mp3, you know?), and probably a few other things like repaint my nails and such. I hope I get some of that done so I can tire myself out and go to bed at a decent hour!
Before I go to sleep I want to say, "Hi!" to my German readers! I would say something in German, but my two years of attempting to get into a German foreign language class in high school failed and I ended up taking French (sorry! I had to take something so I could get into college!). I have no clue how you found my blog, but thanks for sticking to it and reading! I appreciate it :D
All right, goodnight everyone!
Shwoops And Chats
Shwoops! I skipped a day!
I knew I did, but I really didn't have time to write anything this morning (I was reading for class). So, sorry. My bad.
I'm finally getting tired. My sleep schedule is so off - I really don't like going to bed past midnight.
Today I read for class, read some more for class, went to a voice lesson, went to class, and talked to my roomie (who's home for the summer) on the phone. Chatting it up with some friends is one of my favorite things to do.
Now that I'm sleepy I'm going to bed. I'll write you tomorrow (or possibly this morning),
I knew I did, but I really didn't have time to write anything this morning (I was reading for class). So, sorry. My bad.
I'm finally getting tired. My sleep schedule is so off - I really don't like going to bed past midnight.
Today I read for class, read some more for class, went to a voice lesson, went to class, and talked to my roomie (who's home for the summer) on the phone. Chatting it up with some friends is one of my favorite things to do.
Now that I'm sleepy I'm going to bed. I'll write you tomorrow (or possibly this morning),
Saturday, June 11, 2011
To Grandmother's House We Go
Herro everybody!
I just got settled back into my apartment. It's kind of nice to be back, but I'm disappointed I didn't get to spend more time at home. Oh well.
Today was not extremely eventful. I packed up, my mom and I drove down to my grandma's house and packed up furniture my mom had claimed (my grandma's house just sold), and I came back to my apartment. I'm glad I got to spend time with my mom and my friends. I'll be happy to go back when I can.
Goodnight and I'll write you tomorrow,
I just got settled back into my apartment. It's kind of nice to be back, but I'm disappointed I didn't get to spend more time at home. Oh well.
Today was not extremely eventful. I packed up, my mom and I drove down to my grandma's house and packed up furniture my mom had claimed (my grandma's house just sold), and I came back to my apartment. I'm glad I got to spend time with my mom and my friends. I'll be happy to go back when I can.
Goodnight and I'll write you tomorrow,
Fruit Dip - Est. Time: FOREVER
Today (which I suppose is now yesterday considering the time) I went grocery shopping, put a check in my account (thanks, grandma, for supporting my education until the very end!), made fruit dip and chips (took forever to cut up all the fruit, but it ended up delicious!), and went to a friend's end of school party. It was a good day. I just wish I was tired so I could enjoy tomorrow just as much!
My computer just shut it self down due to a low battery, so after plugging it in and rebooting I'm kind of tired.
Write you tomorrow,
My computer just shut it self down due to a low battery, so after plugging it in and rebooting I'm kind of tired.
Write you tomorrow,
Friday, June 10, 2011
A Time Capsule Of The Car Crash Into My House
Hello, hello, hello!
I am currently sitting at home watching some t.v...
...wait. Did I say home?
Yesterday I made a quick decision to go home for a couple of days. I threw myself together and ran out the door because could not make up their mind when a storm was coming. When I checked the radar after I finished most of my packing it seemed the storm was coming, oh, I don't know, now. So I flew out the door and headed home. It was actually a pretty nice drive too! I listed to the radio and when the stations fizzled out I listened to my iPod. I really do need to pull off the Christmas music though. I often skipped Greensleeves and My Rusty Chevrolet (which, if you don't know that Christmas song you should check it out! I'm a sucker for joke/parody songs. Especially during Christmas).
So, I got home, threw my things down, and changed my clothes (it was FREEZING!) so I could hang out with a friend! Before I headed over to their house, I went to check up on construction going on with my own house. Oh, have I not mentioned that? Well, to make a long story short - a car drove through my house. Not all the way through, just through the front door, into the coat closet, and ended up in the garage. They weren't drunk, they were underage. It's all a big mess, but there are a lot of positives to it as well. We wanted to redo that front room anyway, the layout of the closet always bugged my mom, and, hey, had they drove their car in two inches to the right our whole house would have collapsed. At least no one was hurt, not even the drivers or our cats. It's all good.
Well, this happened I think two months ago. We've had to take some time to move boxes out, but construction finally started last Thursday so it's no wonder how excited my mom was when she called me on Friday to exclaim her excitement about a new front door, new siding, and a new garage door! So, naturally, when I got home I wanted to see everything for myself! The front of the house looks great so far and there's a wall and the outlines of a closet in the works! Kind of silly to get excited about those things, but when your house has been boarded up for two months it's amazing to see progress in the way of a new home!
Well, I did eventually go to my friend's house, haha. We looked through some cookbooks and recipes online because we need to bring a dish to a party our friend is throwing tonight. I didn't get a chance to spend a lot of time with her - although I think her cat and dog will miss me the most since they couldn't stop rubbing (cat) or jumping (dog) on me. My mom called and wanted me to head home to tape an episode of The Big Bang Theory. "Okay, okay, mom. I'll do it."
Well, we ended up eating dinner and watching the end of The Big Bang Theory before we headed out together to look at the house one more time. I apparently had not seen the floor and paint samples my mom had laid out and she wanted my opinion on them. We really looked at them and ended up changing most of them - Sorry, mom! What she chose would have worked fine, butI decided I we decided we liked a different flooring so the scheme changed a bit. After that and looking around at what was happening in construction land, I noticed something in the corner of a different room. A time capsule! From when I was in elementary school! I had dated it to not be opened until my birthday in 2011! This year!!! I remember looking at that time capsule in my room a few years after I made it thinking, "I know what's in there. It's going to be no fun to open", but now I honestly don't remember what's in there and I'm excited to find out! I'm bringing it back with me to school so I can open it on my birthday! I think I'll make a new one after I open it so I can open one 10 years from now.
Wait. What if I made one to open at every one of my birthdays? One that showed exactly what my birthday was like the year before? Or a letter about what I did on my birthday and how the past year was? Oooo! I think that would be so much fun! All my excitement for my time capsule is urging me to do something every year so I can be equally as excited!
After all that fun excitement, my mom and I went grocery shopping, came home, and went to sleep. Now I need to do some fun things today and not waste this time spent at home! So, off I go!
I'll write you again either tonight or tomorrow, when I'm back at my un-air-conditioned apartment...
I am currently sitting at home watching some t.v...
...wait. Did I say home?
Yesterday I made a quick decision to go home for a couple of days. I threw myself together and ran out the door because could not make up their mind when a storm was coming. When I checked the radar after I finished most of my packing it seemed the storm was coming, oh, I don't know, now. So I flew out the door and headed home. It was actually a pretty nice drive too! I listed to the radio and when the stations fizzled out I listened to my iPod. I really do need to pull off the Christmas music though. I often skipped Greensleeves and My Rusty Chevrolet (which, if you don't know that Christmas song you should check it out! I'm a sucker for joke/parody songs. Especially during Christmas).
So, I got home, threw my things down, and changed my clothes (it was FREEZING!) so I could hang out with a friend! Before I headed over to their house, I went to check up on construction going on with my own house. Oh, have I not mentioned that? Well, to make a long story short - a car drove through my house. Not all the way through, just through the front door, into the coat closet, and ended up in the garage. They weren't drunk, they were underage. It's all a big mess, but there are a lot of positives to it as well. We wanted to redo that front room anyway, the layout of the closet always bugged my mom, and, hey, had they drove their car in two inches to the right our whole house would have collapsed. At least no one was hurt, not even the drivers or our cats. It's all good.
Well, this happened I think two months ago. We've had to take some time to move boxes out, but construction finally started last Thursday so it's no wonder how excited my mom was when she called me on Friday to exclaim her excitement about a new front door, new siding, and a new garage door! So, naturally, when I got home I wanted to see everything for myself! The front of the house looks great so far and there's a wall and the outlines of a closet in the works! Kind of silly to get excited about those things, but when your house has been boarded up for two months it's amazing to see progress in the way of a new home!
Well, I did eventually go to my friend's house, haha. We looked through some cookbooks and recipes online because we need to bring a dish to a party our friend is throwing tonight. I didn't get a chance to spend a lot of time with her - although I think her cat and dog will miss me the most since they couldn't stop rubbing (cat) or jumping (dog) on me. My mom called and wanted me to head home to tape an episode of The Big Bang Theory. "Okay, okay, mom. I'll do it."
Well, we ended up eating dinner and watching the end of The Big Bang Theory before we headed out together to look at the house one more time. I apparently had not seen the floor and paint samples my mom had laid out and she wanted my opinion on them. We really looked at them and ended up changing most of them - Sorry, mom! What she chose would have worked fine, but
Wait. What if I made one to open at every one of my birthdays? One that showed exactly what my birthday was like the year before? Or a letter about what I did on my birthday and how the past year was? Oooo! I think that would be so much fun! All my excitement for my time capsule is urging me to do something every year so I can be equally as excited!
After all that fun excitement, my mom and I went grocery shopping, came home, and went to sleep. Now I need to do some fun things today and not waste this time spent at home! So, off I go!
I'll write you again either tonight or tomorrow, when I'm back at my un-air-conditioned apartment...
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Peanut Butter Wheat Thin Time!
Bonjourno everybody!
I'm currently snacking on Wheat Thins and peanut butter. Not really a snack I would eat, even as a kid, but it sounded so. good. I have a feeling that it's not making much a difference of having reduced fat Wheat Thins right now... Okay, putting away the peanut butter.
I didn't eat a very bit dinner tonight so I was a tad munchy after my class ended. I think a few more Wheat Thins should hit the spot.
Today wasn't extremely eventful. I did some more dishes, wrote an essay for a scholarship reevaluation form, read for class, talked to a bunch of people on the phone, oh! and got a job! I applied for three jobs about four weeks ago. One person really was up for hiring me, but I was waiting to hear back from the other two places (mainly one over the other). Unfortunately, even though I called, they never got back to me. I contacted the person willing to hire me in the first place and they still have positions available. It's going to make my summer a bit busier, but at least I'll be getting paid! Whew!
Tonight I looked over some of my old posts. I really liked the ones where I truly talked about how I was feeling or how my day went. It makes me want to write longer posts! I know this one wasn't very long, but maybe I'll be in the mood for it tomorrow.
"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll [see] ya, tomorrow!"
I'm currently snacking on Wheat Thins and peanut butter. Not really a snack I would eat, even as a kid, but it sounded so. good. I have a feeling that it's not making much a difference of having reduced fat Wheat Thins right now... Okay, putting away the peanut butter.
I didn't eat a very bit dinner tonight so I was a tad munchy after my class ended. I think a few more Wheat Thins should hit the spot.
Today wasn't extremely eventful. I did some more dishes, wrote an essay for a scholarship reevaluation form, read for class, talked to a bunch of people on the phone, oh! and got a job! I applied for three jobs about four weeks ago. One person really was up for hiring me, but I was waiting to hear back from the other two places (mainly one over the other). Unfortunately, even though I called, they never got back to me. I contacted the person willing to hire me in the first place and they still have positions available. It's going to make my summer a bit busier, but at least I'll be getting paid! Whew!
Tonight I looked over some of my old posts. I really liked the ones where I truly talked about how I was feeling or how my day went. It makes me want to write longer posts! I know this one wasn't very long, but maybe I'll be in the mood for it tomorrow.
"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll [see] ya, tomorrow!"
The Red Sushi
Yesterday I washed dishes, turned in some forms for class, returned our recycling, ate sushi, and watched a movie - The Red Shoes. Oh, and our air conditioner broke. Thank goodness for maintenance - we'll be getting a new one soon.
A hopefully not-to-toasty day,
A hopefully not-to-toasty day,
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Busy Bee
Yesterday was oh-ho-so busy. I got my oil topped off, picked up my Huey Lewis tickets, ate at one of my favorite restaurants (Lone Star Steakhouse - mmmmm :D), got a couple things at Ulta with a coupon, visited my grandma, had my voice lesson, picked up a book for class, and took one of my summer roommates grocery shopping. Whew! No surprise I easy fell asleep last night.
Here's to a less busy, but not lazy day,
Here's to a less busy, but not lazy day,
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Swing, Swing, Swing
Good evening everyone!
I just took a walk! It was the perfect weather for it - not too breezy, not too warm, but just right. After I returned the Tangled DVD I decided that I should get myself outside and moving since I hadn't really been out of the apartment until then. I grabbed my iPod, key, and phone and set out for the sidewalk. We have a really large sidewalk that can lead to many different parks. I walked toward one on a hill that had a swing set and swung. I didn't swing for very long, but two of my favorite songs played on my iPod as I swung - Before The Earth Was Round by Ok Go and Don't Rain on my Parade performed by Rachel from Glee. I basked in the beauty that was around me - things I don't really notice from day to day. Birds flying to and fro, the billowing clouds in the sky, the air beside me flowing through my hair as I swing up and down, forward and backward. Ah...
Sadly, that will probably be my last serene, childhood moment for a while. Now I've got grown up work to do.
Write you tomorrow,
I just took a walk! It was the perfect weather for it - not too breezy, not too warm, but just right. After I returned the Tangled DVD I decided that I should get myself outside and moving since I hadn't really been out of the apartment until then. I grabbed my iPod, key, and phone and set out for the sidewalk. We have a really large sidewalk that can lead to many different parks. I walked toward one on a hill that had a swing set and swung. I didn't swing for very long, but two of my favorite songs played on my iPod as I swung - Before The Earth Was Round by Ok Go and Don't Rain on my Parade performed by Rachel from Glee. I basked in the beauty that was around me - things I don't really notice from day to day. Birds flying to and fro, the billowing clouds in the sky, the air beside me flowing through my hair as I swing up and down, forward and backward. Ah...
Sadly, that will probably be my last serene, childhood moment for a while. Now I've got grown up work to do.
Write you tomorrow,
Tangled In Cake
Yesterday I watched Tangled for the first time, played with my step-mom's cats, and ate some wheat free chocolate cake - which was surprisingly delicious!
Eating breakfast,
Eating breakfast,
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Alexander's Broken Down Car
Yesterday I finished my 3 week class (Alexander Technique) and hung out with a friend and her friend after their car died on the way into town. We made up for it by eating fantastic sushi and ice cream :D
It's gloomy out so "Let it rain, let it pour",
It's gloomy out so "Let it rain, let it pour",
Friday, June 3, 2011
Interesting Interests
Today I found out that
1. I surprise people everyday with interests that apparently don't "fit my personality"
2. I should probably not watch Whose Line Is It Anyway? with a facial mask on. I crack myself up :P!
Sleepy time,
1. I surprise people everyday with interests that apparently don't "fit my personality"
2. I should probably not watch Whose Line Is It Anyway? with a facial mask on. I crack myself up :P!
Sleepy time,
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Yesterday my mom and I won tickets to see Huey Lewis and The News! And I got a chance to hang out with my roommate from last year before she heads home for the summer - we went out for ice cream :D!
Good start to a new day,
Good start to a new day,
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Okay, Okay. I'm here.
Hey everybody,
I swear I'm still alive. Honestly, I've been doing a lot of good stuff in my life - getting my homework done, going home when I can, the usual - but I haven't been keeping up with this. I've been thinking of multiple things I could do to keep this going. One great idea that I got from Carah Amelie (this video in particular: was to write down one sentence of something you did day. I would vary it by going back and forth from a sentence a day post to full posts so you wouldn't only be reading one sentence every day, but that may get me back on track. I liked posting on here when I was in the swing of it, but I don't want to force myself to write things when I'm not interested. This one sentence a day thing may be a good way to not only get back in the swing, but compile a record of what I'm doing with my life! Maybe it will motivate me on those lazy days when I want to just lay down and watch t.v. - "No one wants to read that! Go do something!"
Okay, I think I might try that. See how it goes. I hope it doesn't bore you all.
Instead of summarizing a bunch of things that I have been doing these past few weeks, I thought I'd share some pictures with you! This weekend my mom and I made a trip to my grandma's house. Now that it's spring time her flowers were blooming, especially the irises and peonies. There weren't many irises, but there was an abundance of light pink and white peonies so my mom and I picked some to give to my grandma and some for me to take and put in my room at my apartment.
They're beautiful:
And they're very fragrant, too! My room smells lovely :D
I don't know what it is about the stems, but I find them interesting to look at in the clear vase:
I guess I find nature in general fun to look at. Although I am more of an indoorsy than outdoorsy person, I find nature extremely fascinating. When I was in high school I used to go around and take millions of pictures of flowers. They have their own snowflake like quality - no two are exactly the same. It's beautiful and original. Something I feel we have trouble recreating in our modern society. "Everything's been said and done". Well, I think nature's still speaking.
I hope you all are having a wonderful summer. I unfortunately will not be spending it relaxing. I'll be taking beacoup de classes. Have a lovely day tomorrow - I hope it's sunny!
I swear I'm still alive. Honestly, I've been doing a lot of good stuff in my life - getting my homework done, going home when I can, the usual - but I haven't been keeping up with this. I've been thinking of multiple things I could do to keep this going. One great idea that I got from Carah Amelie (this video in particular: was to write down one sentence of something you did day. I would vary it by going back and forth from a sentence a day post to full posts so you wouldn't only be reading one sentence every day, but that may get me back on track. I liked posting on here when I was in the swing of it, but I don't want to force myself to write things when I'm not interested. This one sentence a day thing may be a good way to not only get back in the swing, but compile a record of what I'm doing with my life! Maybe it will motivate me on those lazy days when I want to just lay down and watch t.v. - "No one wants to read that! Go do something!"
Okay, I think I might try that. See how it goes. I hope it doesn't bore you all.
Instead of summarizing a bunch of things that I have been doing these past few weeks, I thought I'd share some pictures with you! This weekend my mom and I made a trip to my grandma's house. Now that it's spring time her flowers were blooming, especially the irises and peonies. There weren't many irises, but there was an abundance of light pink and white peonies so my mom and I picked some to give to my grandma and some for me to take and put in my room at my apartment.
They're beautiful:
And they're very fragrant, too! My room smells lovely :D
I don't know what it is about the stems, but I find them interesting to look at in the clear vase:
I guess I find nature in general fun to look at. Although I am more of an indoorsy than outdoorsy person, I find nature extremely fascinating. When I was in high school I used to go around and take millions of pictures of flowers. They have their own snowflake like quality - no two are exactly the same. It's beautiful and original. Something I feel we have trouble recreating in our modern society. "Everything's been said and done". Well, I think nature's still speaking.
I hope you all are having a wonderful summer. I unfortunately will not be spending it relaxing. I'll be taking beacoup de classes. Have a lovely day tomorrow - I hope it's sunny!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Finals = Collegiate Death
Finals are done and now that I have a little bit of extra time I think I should be able to write on here more. ...Well, I'm taking five classes over the summer (and looking for a job), so maybe I won't have all the extra time I'm hoping to have... We'll see!
Finals really suck the life out of you. Mainly when they are back to back like mine were this year. In past years I've had finals spread evenly throughout the week. This year I had everything crammed into two days - Monday and Tuesday. Cramming all of the school work into two days is enough to make you want to pull your hair out, but on Monday and Tuesday?! At the beginning of the week?!? I was ready to be struck by a lightning bolt. It didn't help that we were still learning new material on Thursday for the final I had on Monday.
I survived though. Sort of. I'm one of the students that cares A LOT about their grades. If I don't do well on something I will cry. Not the pity-party kind of cry. The I-can't-believe-I-got-that-I'm-so-ashamed-of-myself kind of cry. Part of that pressure comes from my parents, but a lot of it I put on myself. Even though I doubt my future employers will be looking strictly at my grades I want my grades to be at their best. Not only so I can have a fantastic GPA, but also so they reflect that I worked hard and learned a lot.
Grades are already coming in. So far I'm doing all right, but it's the two classes I haven't heard from yet that are making me nervous. So while I wait for those results I start my summer session.
I went home this past weekend and am still unpacking. (Laundry + Parent's house = Score!) I should finish that, shower up, and get everything together for my three-and-a-half hour class. Wish me luck!
It's a beautiful day outside, so get your sunshine on!
Finals really suck the life out of you. Mainly when they are back to back like mine were this year. In past years I've had finals spread evenly throughout the week. This year I had everything crammed into two days - Monday and Tuesday. Cramming all of the school work into two days is enough to make you want to pull your hair out, but on Monday and Tuesday?! At the beginning of the week?!? I was ready to be struck by a lightning bolt. It didn't help that we were still learning new material on Thursday for the final I had on Monday.
I survived though. Sort of. I'm one of the students that cares A LOT about their grades. If I don't do well on something I will cry. Not the pity-party kind of cry. The I-can't-believe-I-got-that-I'm-so-ashamed-of-myself kind of cry. Part of that pressure comes from my parents, but a lot of it I put on myself. Even though I doubt my future employers will be looking strictly at my grades I want my grades to be at their best. Not only so I can have a fantastic GPA, but also so they reflect that I worked hard and learned a lot.
Grades are already coming in. So far I'm doing all right, but it's the two classes I haven't heard from yet that are making me nervous. So while I wait for those results I start my summer session.
I went home this past weekend and am still unpacking. (Laundry + Parent's house = Score!) I should finish that, shower up, and get everything together for my three-and-a-half hour class. Wish me luck!
It's a beautiful day outside, so get your sunshine on!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Am I A Fainting Goat?
Hey everyone!
It's been a while and I wanted to talk to you, so I thought I'd share a story.
I'm a fainter. Not a oh-my-gosh-the-famous-guy-touched-me fainter. I'm more of a whoops-I-didn't-have-a-big-meal-I'm-dehydrated-and-under-bright-lights fainter. I learned about this in middle school. We have this large festival in my old school district that gathers all of the arts together - performance and visual. Three of the performances of the day combine all of the districts middle school choirs (6th, 7th, and 8th grades) to sing a few pieces together. Although the choir members had the whole high school auditorium stage space and risers to fill there were so many singers that people began to file off the risers and onto the floor. I think the large number of choir members has to do with a couple things:
1. In middle school you still have to do what your parents say, i.e. You're taking choir and you'll stick with it until high school when you weasel your way out of it.
2. My district was huge. This festival was split between two sides of the district, but we still had choir members that were almost offstage.
Well, in 6th grade, during rehearsal, I fainted. It was a combination of a lot of things, I think. I don't remember eating much for breakfast (I think I was rushed out the door...I'm not sure), the lights and crowding of people provided excess heat, and cold air rushed underneath the risers creating a tornado like effect in my body. The room spun and faded into black. I heard a large BOOM (the sound of my body falling) and was able to see about 15 seconds later. I was lying on the riser below the one I was standing on looking up at the girls I stood next to who were terrified. I was helped up, taken to a chair, given water, and my mom came by and fed me Pop Tarts (the most nutritional breakfast like object from the vending machine).
I've grown attune to this feeling. I experienced it the next year at the same festival (yes, I fainted again) and the year after that (I caught myself that time and didn't completely faint). Today I experienced this feeling again. We were rehearsing for a choir concert in the recital hall. I, for some stupid reason, didn't grab a drink of water before hand even though I was thirsty. I also didn't think through my lunch choice - a deconstructed PB&J and water - which was obviously not enough to sustain me for more than two hours. I felt antsy all through the rehearsal, but right at the end it hit me. We changed positions and I could feel the drain of energy. I realized that if I didn't get off that stage I would probably fall over right there. I walked off the stage and got myself some water, took a breath, and headed back in. When I got back up there I realized I was an idiot - water didn't do the trick and I was still pretty woozy. I pulled myself offstage one more time and just sat and studied my score while the choir sang. One of the graduate students came and asked me if I was alright - "You look really pale". I told him I was fine and ended up drinking more water and leaving rehearsal feeling like a weakling.
I'm pretty darn hard on myself. Should I really feel bad for taking myself off the risers before I fainted? No! Should I be concerned that my choir director will think less of me because I almost fainted? No! Then, why do I? Because I want people to think good things about me, like all people do - duh! But seriously, I'm a bit of a people pleaser and I know it. I hope my director knows that I was trying to be responsible by taking care of the situation instead of letting the situation take care of me.
I treated myself to a frozen Mountain Dew afterwards (I wanted a frozen Coke, but it was still mixing and wasn't frozen). That and a new issue of Glamour brightened my afternoon.
Off to bed! Love you all,
It's been a while and I wanted to talk to you, so I thought I'd share a story.
I'm a fainter. Not a oh-my-gosh-the-famous-guy-touched-me fainter. I'm more of a whoops-I-didn't-have-a-big-meal-I'm-dehydrated-and-under-bright-lights fainter. I learned about this in middle school. We have this large festival in my old school district that gathers all of the arts together - performance and visual. Three of the performances of the day combine all of the districts middle school choirs (6th, 7th, and 8th grades) to sing a few pieces together. Although the choir members had the whole high school auditorium stage space and risers to fill there were so many singers that people began to file off the risers and onto the floor. I think the large number of choir members has to do with a couple things:
1. In middle school you still have to do what your parents say, i.e. You're taking choir and you'll stick with it until high school when you weasel your way out of it.
2. My district was huge. This festival was split between two sides of the district, but we still had choir members that were almost offstage.
Well, in 6th grade, during rehearsal, I fainted. It was a combination of a lot of things, I think. I don't remember eating much for breakfast (I think I was rushed out the door...I'm not sure), the lights and crowding of people provided excess heat, and cold air rushed underneath the risers creating a tornado like effect in my body. The room spun and faded into black. I heard a large BOOM (the sound of my body falling) and was able to see about 15 seconds later. I was lying on the riser below the one I was standing on looking up at the girls I stood next to who were terrified. I was helped up, taken to a chair, given water, and my mom came by and fed me Pop Tarts (the most nutritional breakfast like object from the vending machine).
I've grown attune to this feeling. I experienced it the next year at the same festival (yes, I fainted again) and the year after that (I caught myself that time and didn't completely faint). Today I experienced this feeling again. We were rehearsing for a choir concert in the recital hall. I, for some stupid reason, didn't grab a drink of water before hand even though I was thirsty. I also didn't think through my lunch choice - a deconstructed PB&J and water - which was obviously not enough to sustain me for more than two hours. I felt antsy all through the rehearsal, but right at the end it hit me. We changed positions and I could feel the drain of energy. I realized that if I didn't get off that stage I would probably fall over right there. I walked off the stage and got myself some water, took a breath, and headed back in. When I got back up there I realized I was an idiot - water didn't do the trick and I was still pretty woozy. I pulled myself offstage one more time and just sat and studied my score while the choir sang. One of the graduate students came and asked me if I was alright - "You look really pale". I told him I was fine and ended up drinking more water and leaving rehearsal feeling like a weakling.
I'm pretty darn hard on myself. Should I really feel bad for taking myself off the risers before I fainted? No! Should I be concerned that my choir director will think less of me because I almost fainted? No! Then, why do I? Because I want people to think good things about me, like all people do - duh! But seriously, I'm a bit of a people pleaser and I know it. I hope my director knows that I was trying to be responsible by taking care of the situation instead of letting the situation take care of me.
I treated myself to a frozen Mountain Dew afterwards (I wanted a frozen Coke, but it was still mixing and wasn't frozen). That and a new issue of Glamour brightened my afternoon.
Off to bed! Love you all,
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Stress, School, And Spring Time!
You know how life gets stressful? Well, this time around mine has caused my room to turn into one large pile of stuff. That just calms you down, now, doesn't it? Geez. I took some time tonight to go through and put things where they need to be. Doing so made me realize that there are a few things that I haven't done yet that really should get done. Cleaning up turned out to be a friendly reminder of sorts.
In other news I'm glad I can now finally say that I will be graduating. Cue extreme happiness in 3, 2, 1...
I had a chance last Friday to sit down and plan out all the classes I have left to take. I had been dreading the task for so long. I was worried I would end up with class conflicts left and right so I would end up taking four classes one semester and twelve the next. Well, I do have quite a few classes left, but I plan to knock some out over the summer. My schedule is looking so good right now that I'm actually trying to find another class to take in the fall because I'm scared I will get bored. If you knew me you'd understand. I need to be busy. I don't think I've ever not been busy.
I hope Mother Nature makes up her mind soon. I grow accustomed to the warm weather only to have freezing cold wind blown in my face the next week. Ah, spring time. The time of year where it can rain, snow, sleet, and shine all in about two months (or weeks). I'm glad to see all the flowers popping out of the ground. It makes me want to buy a potted plant for our apartment. Or at least a bouquet. That's definitely not an option, especially considering I will be going home for Easter weekend.
I'm so excited I'll have a bit of a break. Well, going home for Easter isn't going to be something most people would call a break - I'm helping out with an Easter egg hunt on Saturday morning, playing handbells in church on Sunday morning, eating lunch with some family Sunday afternoon, and heading back to school mid to late Sunday afternoon. Not a lot of free time and the few bits of free time I have will probably be filled with, "Have you done your homework yet?". Um, I've been in college for a while now, I think I can take care of that myself. ...But thanks for reminding me.
I hope many of you are able to enjoy this weekend (even if you don't celebrate Easter) in a safe place. The weather has thrown many tornadoes and storms over our world. I hope that those who were affected are safe and coping. Especially those in Japan. I pray that all of you are starting to get your lives back together.
Have an egg-celent weekend,
In other news I'm glad I can now finally say that I will be graduating. Cue extreme happiness in 3, 2, 1...
I had a chance last Friday to sit down and plan out all the classes I have left to take. I had been dreading the task for so long. I was worried I would end up with class conflicts left and right so I would end up taking four classes one semester and twelve the next. Well, I do have quite a few classes left, but I plan to knock some out over the summer. My schedule is looking so good right now that I'm actually trying to find another class to take in the fall because I'm scared I will get bored. If you knew me you'd understand. I need to be busy. I don't think I've ever not been busy.
I hope Mother Nature makes up her mind soon. I grow accustomed to the warm weather only to have freezing cold wind blown in my face the next week. Ah, spring time. The time of year where it can rain, snow, sleet, and shine all in about two months (or weeks). I'm glad to see all the flowers popping out of the ground. It makes me want to buy a potted plant for our apartment. Or at least a bouquet. That's definitely not an option, especially considering I will be going home for Easter weekend.
I'm so excited I'll have a bit of a break. Well, going home for Easter isn't going to be something most people would call a break - I'm helping out with an Easter egg hunt on Saturday morning, playing handbells in church on Sunday morning, eating lunch with some family Sunday afternoon, and heading back to school mid to late Sunday afternoon. Not a lot of free time and the few bits of free time I have will probably be filled with, "Have you done your homework yet?". Um, I've been in college for a while now, I think I can take care of that myself. ...But thanks for reminding me.
I hope many of you are able to enjoy this weekend (even if you don't celebrate Easter) in a safe place. The weather has thrown many tornadoes and storms over our world. I hope that those who were affected are safe and coping. Especially those in Japan. I pray that all of you are starting to get your lives back together.
Have an egg-celent weekend,
Monday, April 11, 2011
I'm Back! And With Some Explanations
Hey everyone,
I know I've made a million promises write more frequently. As you've all noticed, that has not happened whatsoever. I don't want to come up with more excuses for you since most of them are, "I was tired" or "I was busy", but I thought I'd share with you what I actually do in school. I've been asking you all for a while if you wanted to know and now I think this may help you understand my life a little more.
I am currently going to college and majoring in elementary education and vocal performance. No, that does not mean I am majoring in music education, although I am asked that almost every time I state my majors. I honestly want to be a plain elementary school teacher. I love kids and I think it is incredibly important to give them a solid foundation of education so they can grow and become anything they want to be.
Music, on the other hand, is something that has been ever present in my life since the day I was born. I've sang, played the flute, played handbells, and dabbled on the piano for years and I did not feel like giving it up when I went to college. My mom and dad encouraged me to take up a music major thinking it could be a backup, since the college of education here does not accept students into their program until they have acquired a certain number of semester hours. Occasionally I blame them for my stressed out self since they really pushed me to do it, but I am quite happy being a music major.
That being said I must tell you about my extra-curriculars. I am not just participating in my education and music classes. Who would go to college just to do that? You have to take the opportunities given to you! So, I also participate in our marching band playing the piccolo (for those of you who are instrument-illiterate, the piccolo is the very small looking flute). I didn't want to give up my flute abilities, or marching band for that matter, so I also joined the university's concert band. Participating in both of these does provide me with credits I need for my music major, but I consider them extra curriculars since I do not necessarily need to be involved in them.
I am also involved in a small women's accapella group - I'm the music director! The group was founded my freshman year and has come a very long way since then - we are now being given some opportunities to perform which we had to really work for a year ago.
You didn't think I was done, did you? Oh no, no, no, no way was I done. I'm also the treasurer of our chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota, the women's music fraternity. I'm not one to call myself a sorority girl (I don't think I would fit in with those girls very well), but S.A.I. is nowhere near a sorority. We work hard to put music in the community, help out musical philanthropies, and participate in service projects promoting music education or music therapy.
Last of all - thank goodness, right? - I'm a board member of an honors society, Phi Eta Sigma. This society does not have meetings very often, but does a lot of volunteer/service projects around the community. It is made up of students that were accepted into the organization their freshman year- that were invited to join due to their high GPA - and provides the opportunity to graduate with honors chords if you participate in meetings and events.
Mix that all together and you've got me! Some of these organizations and extra curriculars require more work than others - my two majors, S.A.I. and Take Note require a bit more effort (in my opinion) than Phi Eta Sigma, concert band, and marching band - but I would never, ever quit them. Yes, I've thought about saving my sanity and quitting at some point, but I always think that I would just end up missing that activity or joining another one to take its place. I wish I had more time to do other activities, but I don't think my brain could take it.
I hope that provides some insight into what I really do. Now I can feel more honest with you all in saying that I'm off to a rehearsal instead of a meeting. I truly hope I can post more often, but it is close to the end of the semester and many projects, papers, and exams are coming up. I will try, but I will not make promises as I did before.
Have a wonderful morning everyone! I'm off to do some laundry and turn in my recycling.
I know I've made a million promises write more frequently. As you've all noticed, that has not happened whatsoever. I don't want to come up with more excuses for you since most of them are, "I was tired" or "I was busy", but I thought I'd share with you what I actually do in school. I've been asking you all for a while if you wanted to know and now I think this may help you understand my life a little more.
I am currently going to college and majoring in elementary education and vocal performance. No, that does not mean I am majoring in music education, although I am asked that almost every time I state my majors. I honestly want to be a plain elementary school teacher. I love kids and I think it is incredibly important to give them a solid foundation of education so they can grow and become anything they want to be.
Music, on the other hand, is something that has been ever present in my life since the day I was born. I've sang, played the flute, played handbells, and dabbled on the piano for years and I did not feel like giving it up when I went to college. My mom and dad encouraged me to take up a music major thinking it could be a backup, since the college of education here does not accept students into their program until they have acquired a certain number of semester hours. Occasionally I blame them for my stressed out self since they really pushed me to do it, but I am quite happy being a music major.
That being said I must tell you about my extra-curriculars. I am not just participating in my education and music classes. Who would go to college just to do that? You have to take the opportunities given to you! So, I also participate in our marching band playing the piccolo (for those of you who are instrument-illiterate, the piccolo is the very small looking flute). I didn't want to give up my flute abilities, or marching band for that matter, so I also joined the university's concert band. Participating in both of these does provide me with credits I need for my music major, but I consider them extra curriculars since I do not necessarily need to be involved in them.
I am also involved in a small women's accapella group - I'm the music director! The group was founded my freshman year and has come a very long way since then - we are now being given some opportunities to perform which we had to really work for a year ago.
You didn't think I was done, did you? Oh no, no, no, no way was I done. I'm also the treasurer of our chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota, the women's music fraternity. I'm not one to call myself a sorority girl (I don't think I would fit in with those girls very well), but S.A.I. is nowhere near a sorority. We work hard to put music in the community, help out musical philanthropies, and participate in service projects promoting music education or music therapy.
Last of all - thank goodness, right? - I'm a board member of an honors society, Phi Eta Sigma. This society does not have meetings very often, but does a lot of volunteer/service projects around the community. It is made up of students that were accepted into the organization their freshman year- that were invited to join due to their high GPA - and provides the opportunity to graduate with honors chords if you participate in meetings and events.
Mix that all together and you've got me! Some of these organizations and extra curriculars require more work than others - my two majors, S.A.I. and Take Note require a bit more effort (in my opinion) than Phi Eta Sigma, concert band, and marching band - but I would never, ever quit them. Yes, I've thought about saving my sanity and quitting at some point, but I always think that I would just end up missing that activity or joining another one to take its place. I wish I had more time to do other activities, but I don't think my brain could take it.
I hope that provides some insight into what I really do. Now I can feel more honest with you all in saying that I'm off to a rehearsal instead of a meeting. I truly hope I can post more often, but it is close to the end of the semester and many projects, papers, and exams are coming up. I will try, but I will not make promises as I did before.
Have a wonderful morning everyone! I'm off to do some laundry and turn in my recycling.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Break? What Break?
Hey everybody!
I have finally unpacked and am now settled in.
However, that does not mean I am ready for school to start up again.
Man, do I wish spring break was longer! And how silly is it that my spring break ends on the first day of spring? Ridiculous! Now that I'm back I've realized that I can fake it, but I am not nearly ready for school to start. I don't have everything I need prepared! Gah!!! I'll be getting up early tomorrow to prepare for a project and staying up late to work on homework... Please, save me!
I'm waiting for my roomie to get out of the bathroom so I can get ready for bed and then I'll be off to dreamland. Have a goodnights sleep!
I have finally unpacked and am now settled in.
However, that does not mean I am ready for school to start up again.
Man, do I wish spring break was longer! And how silly is it that my spring break ends on the first day of spring? Ridiculous! Now that I'm back I've realized that I can fake it, but I am not nearly ready for school to start. I don't have everything I need prepared! Gah!!! I'll be getting up early tomorrow to prepare for a project and staying up late to work on homework... Please, save me!
I'm waiting for my roomie to get out of the bathroom so I can get ready for bed and then I'll be off to dreamland. Have a goodnights sleep!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Cheers! It's Three's Company!
Good evening!
I'm quite tired. I'll be going to bed after writing this.
Do you guys have favorite old t.v. shows? I've talked about favorite kid shows before (I think), but not general old t.v. shows. I'm watching The Nanny and it reminded me of the shows I used to watch when I was a kid - Growing Pains, The Cosby Show, Cheers, Three's Company, Happy Days, and so many more! I probably wasn't supposed to watch these shows at a young age, but they were on Nick At Night evenings I couldn't sleep.
Any who, I stayed up until 4 a.m. yesterday (for a somewhat good reason - I was watching movies), but I have to get up at 7 a.m. tomorrow. I am off to bed! Goodnight you guys!
I'm quite tired. I'll be going to bed after writing this.
Do you guys have favorite old t.v. shows? I've talked about favorite kid shows before (I think), but not general old t.v. shows. I'm watching The Nanny and it reminded me of the shows I used to watch when I was a kid - Growing Pains, The Cosby Show, Cheers, Three's Company, Happy Days, and so many more! I probably wasn't supposed to watch these shows at a young age, but they were on Nick At Night evenings I couldn't sleep.
Any who, I stayed up until 4 a.m. yesterday (for a somewhat good reason - I was watching movies), but I have to get up at 7 a.m. tomorrow. I am off to bed! Goodnight you guys!
Friday, March 18, 2011
I Think I'll Turn...NOW!
Here's a topic that often bothers me when I'm driving:
Turn signals!
Many times I feel that turn signals have become optional to drivers. My mom and I often joke saying, "Isn't that so sad? They don't make turn signals on that model". But, honestly, why can't people use turn signals? Either they refuse to use them at all, use them for practically no use (as in, changing lanes and flicking the turn signal on for a split second or after they've turned into a turn lane), or leave them on after using them (i.e. the person that changes lane and is forever known as the left turn signal car).
Driving in general frustrates me, but I can't deny that sometimes it's nice to get out of the house and just cruise around town.
What do you guys feel about turn signals? Are they obnoxious to use? How do you feel about driving? I wish my car had cruise control. Driving to school really tires my legs and bum (haha) out!
I hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day! I got some homework done, grabbed a couple of DVDs for a fun Friday night, watched a movie, and mixed up a bunch of cookie dough mixes. Now it's off to bed for me! I'll talk to you again! Hahaha! I need to go to bed at a decent hour someday...
Here's a topic that often bothers me when I'm driving:
Turn signals!
Many times I feel that turn signals have become optional to drivers. My mom and I often joke saying, "Isn't that so sad? They don't make turn signals on that model". But, honestly, why can't people use turn signals? Either they refuse to use them at all, use them for practically no use (as in, changing lanes and flicking the turn signal on for a split second or after they've turned into a turn lane), or leave them on after using them (i.e. the person that changes lane and is forever known as the left turn signal car).
Driving in general frustrates me, but I can't deny that sometimes it's nice to get out of the house and just cruise around town.
What do you guys feel about turn signals? Are they obnoxious to use? How do you feel about driving? I wish my car had cruise control. Driving to school really tires my legs and bum (haha) out!
I hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day! I got some homework done, grabbed a couple of DVDs for a fun Friday night, watched a movie, and mixed up a bunch of cookie dough mixes. Now it's off to bed for me! I'll talk to you again! Hahaha! I need to go to bed at a decent hour someday...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Quick To Judge
Hello again!
I have realized that this is the middle of my spring break. Half of it is over.
What poop.
I wish I had actually done something with my Monday and Tuesday. I've realized that time goes by slower or at least more enjoyable when I'm doing something (well, duh). I just spent the days lying around, which is a nice break from life, but really not needed for an entire two days! Tomorrow I'd like to get up nice and early (at least before 8) so I can actually greet the day!
I've been reading a book for class today. Since it was such a lovely day I decided to take a chair outside and read. Sunshine is an instant mood booster, energizer, and all around happiness. So I sat and read for quite a few hours. I live pretty close to an elementary and a middle school so some kids were walking by my house after school ended. I decided to sit in the front yard because our back yard is often shady in the afternoon and I wanted sun, gosh darn it! I tried to tune out most of the children (although they're adorable) so I could get my reading done. However, there is one group of children I could not tune out.
I could not hear their words very clearly, but they were obviously talking about "that girl in the chair". By the tone of their voices I could tell they were not compliments. This really struck me. These children are in middle school - possibly elementary school - and are saying things about someone who is just reading in their front yard. I did nothing, but sit there and read. I think they eventually realized I had a book in my hand and that I was not just sitting there, but that does not dismiss that they were quick to judge someone they do not even know. I am rarely home anymore so they would have no reason to think of me poorly. Even if I was home, I do nothing that should upset people living down the street from me. What are our children learning? Are we teaching them to be this judgmental? Are they learning this from their peers? Where did their peers learn to treat others this way? Is this a form of self-empowerment? If so it needs to be stopped.
I was not bullied much as a kid. The biggest insult I got was in elementary school when people would call me Barbie. Now I look back and think, "Why was I insulted by that? That's kind of a compliment", but at the time it felt like an insult. I was much taller than my peers and had hair down to my tush. I did not like that people called me anything other than my name. If most people have had names thrust upon them and felt their pain, then why spread the hurt to others? I think children need to understand that giving someone else the pain they felt does not make their pain go away. An eye for an eye just makes two bruised, bloody eyes. It doesn't reduce the swelling.
A lot of these ideas have sprung from the book I was reading, The Misfits by James Howe. I, so far, love this book and recommend it to all of you. It addresses the idea of minorities and elementary school through middle school name calling. It's also pretty hilarious.
Anyway, you guys, I hope you had a sunshiny day. Don't forget to let me know if you want to know all of the things I am doing. Sweet dreams!
I have realized that this is the middle of my spring break. Half of it is over.
What poop.
I wish I had actually done something with my Monday and Tuesday. I've realized that time goes by slower or at least more enjoyable when I'm doing something (well, duh). I just spent the days lying around, which is a nice break from life, but really not needed for an entire two days! Tomorrow I'd like to get up nice and early (at least before 8) so I can actually greet the day!
I've been reading a book for class today. Since it was such a lovely day I decided to take a chair outside and read. Sunshine is an instant mood booster, energizer, and all around happiness. So I sat and read for quite a few hours. I live pretty close to an elementary and a middle school so some kids were walking by my house after school ended. I decided to sit in the front yard because our back yard is often shady in the afternoon and I wanted sun, gosh darn it! I tried to tune out most of the children (although they're adorable) so I could get my reading done. However, there is one group of children I could not tune out.
I could not hear their words very clearly, but they were obviously talking about "that girl in the chair". By the tone of their voices I could tell they were not compliments. This really struck me. These children are in middle school - possibly elementary school - and are saying things about someone who is just reading in their front yard. I did nothing, but sit there and read. I think they eventually realized I had a book in my hand and that I was not just sitting there, but that does not dismiss that they were quick to judge someone they do not even know. I am rarely home anymore so they would have no reason to think of me poorly. Even if I was home, I do nothing that should upset people living down the street from me. What are our children learning? Are we teaching them to be this judgmental? Are they learning this from their peers? Where did their peers learn to treat others this way? Is this a form of self-empowerment? If so it needs to be stopped.
I was not bullied much as a kid. The biggest insult I got was in elementary school when people would call me Barbie. Now I look back and think, "Why was I insulted by that? That's kind of a compliment", but at the time it felt like an insult. I was much taller than my peers and had hair down to my tush. I did not like that people called me anything other than my name. If most people have had names thrust upon them and felt their pain, then why spread the hurt to others? I think children need to understand that giving someone else the pain they felt does not make their pain go away. An eye for an eye just makes two bruised, bloody eyes. It doesn't reduce the swelling.
A lot of these ideas have sprung from the book I was reading, The Misfits by James Howe. I, so far, love this book and recommend it to all of you. It addresses the idea of minorities and elementary school through middle school name calling. It's also pretty hilarious.
Anyway, you guys, I hope you had a sunshiny day. Don't forget to let me know if you want to know all of the things I am doing. Sweet dreams!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Brand New Start And Butterfly Bobby Pins!
Welcome to March 15th everyone!
I can't deny that I've been relieved to have taken a break from posting. A lot was going on, but it also got me stuck in bad habits - mainly falling asleep before getting ready for bed (and who wants to wake up with non-brushed teeth? Ick!). But now is the time to get myself back on track! I'm currently on spring break (WAHOO!) which means trying to get back into the swing of posting on here. I have much to talk about, so this should be relatively easy, right? I sure hope so!
Well, I'd like to share with you all something I did about two or three weeks ago. Over Christmas my mom bought me some butterfly bobby pins (please excuse the glare):
She said the person that sold them to her believed them to actually be from the 50s! I love the 50s, 60s, 20s, 30s, 70s, and pretty much every decade that has happened before me! The past is so interesting, so why dismiss it? Even though I'm not the biggest history nut, I do love learning and discovering things about the past on my own.
Back to these bobby pins! I hadn't worn them at all since I got them and decided that I would wear a pair a day (it came with two identical sets) for an entire school week! It actually turned out to be a pretty fun experiment. I would choose an outfit, check that it went with one of the butterflies I hadn't yet used, and then would get ready for the day. I did see that on my last day there were six butterflies and not five (whoops!), but I had something to go to that evening where I could wear the black and orange butterfly bobby pins.
What do you think? Have any of you ever done something like this before? Set yourself to a weekly goal?
I'm starting to get a little tired of describing all that I do to you guys as meetings or things I do. Should I let you know what they are? What's your opinion?
Thanks for sticking with me and have a wonderful day!
I can't deny that I've been relieved to have taken a break from posting. A lot was going on, but it also got me stuck in bad habits - mainly falling asleep before getting ready for bed (and who wants to wake up with non-brushed teeth? Ick!). But now is the time to get myself back on track! I'm currently on spring break (WAHOO!) which means trying to get back into the swing of posting on here. I have much to talk about, so this should be relatively easy, right? I sure hope so!
Well, I'd like to share with you all something I did about two or three weeks ago. Over Christmas my mom bought me some butterfly bobby pins (please excuse the glare):
Back to these bobby pins! I hadn't worn them at all since I got them and decided that I would wear a pair a day (it came with two identical sets) for an entire school week! It actually turned out to be a pretty fun experiment. I would choose an outfit, check that it went with one of the butterflies I hadn't yet used, and then would get ready for the day. I did see that on my last day there were six butterflies and not five (whoops!), but I had something to go to that evening where I could wear the black and orange butterfly bobby pins.
What do you think? Have any of you ever done something like this before? Set yourself to a weekly goal?
I'm starting to get a little tired of describing all that I do to you guys as meetings or things I do. Should I let you know what they are? What's your opinion?
Thanks for sticking with me and have a wonderful day!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Bad Dreams
Hey everyone,
I have a lot to talk about, but right now I just want to get this horrible dream off my chest.
I haven't told you guys what exactly I do in college, so my vague description may not make any sense. I am planning on trying out for something (in real life) and I was practicing last night to prepare. I occasionally have blockage with this particular thing and I felt that whatever I was practicing ended up being awful - which often does not help my self-esteem. So, last night I had a dream that I was at the tryouts. I tried to do one thing, but couldn't remember what I needed to do. When I remembered another thing to do I performed it horrendously. No matter what I did it ended up being horrific. I was so ashamed of myself and I could tell the judges were not at all pleased with my performance. I wouldn't even want me.
Well, I just woke up feeling cruddy because of that dream. I'm now more scared about trying out for this. I just don't want to feel like I suck. Makes sense, right?
I'm going to try to just get through today. Something has to make me crack a smile, right?
See you later,
I have a lot to talk about, but right now I just want to get this horrible dream off my chest.
I haven't told you guys what exactly I do in college, so my vague description may not make any sense. I am planning on trying out for something (in real life) and I was practicing last night to prepare. I occasionally have blockage with this particular thing and I felt that whatever I was practicing ended up being awful - which often does not help my self-esteem. So, last night I had a dream that I was at the tryouts. I tried to do one thing, but couldn't remember what I needed to do. When I remembered another thing to do I performed it horrendously. No matter what I did it ended up being horrific. I was so ashamed of myself and I could tell the judges were not at all pleased with my performance. I wouldn't even want me.
Well, I just woke up feeling cruddy because of that dream. I'm now more scared about trying out for this. I just don't want to feel like I suck. Makes sense, right?
I'm going to try to just get through today. Something has to make me crack a smile, right?
See you later,
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Family Frustrations
Hey, everybody,
I'm feeling much better today. It took a while, but I think it was mainly a week bug that got into my system. It went through phases of coughing, sniffling, and sneezing with light headedness throughout. Now I'm left with some plugging in my ears, but at least the sinus pressure is gone! Hooray!
Anyway, my dad was in town for the last couple of days. Tonight we went out for dinner which was pretty amazing. But having my dad here just kind of brought up some of the things that make me sad and, I suppose, upset about my family relationships.
My family loves each other, of course we do, but there's always drama. Constant, consistent drama. A lot of the time I don't need to be in the middle of it, but occasionally I am. I don't want to go into detail for the whole world to read, but basically my dad and my mom don't have the best relationship and I was often in the middle of it. I understand (having experience myself) that when you don't like a certain person it's a little difficult to keep those feelings to yourself, especially from another individual who is around that person all the time and should see those "flaws". Problem is, I don't care who's flawed where. I love them equally. I don't want to hear it.
I'm going to stop myself from continuing on this road. It's a long and dreary one that I rarely express. Frustration and bottled up feelings make me want to spurt everything out, but that is especially not appropriate for the internet, so I will keep it to myself. Those of you that know me personally are more than welcome (if you want) to ask me about it. But, internet, I will leave you hanging.
There is so much I want to write about right now - thoughts are racing through my brain - but I think I will save them for another time. It's late and I feel I have expressed more than I needed to on a subject for one night.
As one of my professors says, "Peace",
I'm feeling much better today. It took a while, but I think it was mainly a week bug that got into my system. It went through phases of coughing, sniffling, and sneezing with light headedness throughout. Now I'm left with some plugging in my ears, but at least the sinus pressure is gone! Hooray!
Anyway, my dad was in town for the last couple of days. Tonight we went out for dinner which was pretty amazing. But having my dad here just kind of brought up some of the things that make me sad and, I suppose, upset about my family relationships.
My family loves each other, of course we do, but there's always drama. Constant, consistent drama. A lot of the time I don't need to be in the middle of it, but occasionally I am. I don't want to go into detail for the whole world to read, but basically my dad and my mom don't have the best relationship and I was often in the middle of it. I understand (having experience myself) that when you don't like a certain person it's a little difficult to keep those feelings to yourself, especially from another individual who is around that person all the time and should see those "flaws". Problem is, I don't care who's flawed where. I love them equally. I don't want to hear it.
I'm going to stop myself from continuing on this road. It's a long and dreary one that I rarely express. Frustration and bottled up feelings make me want to spurt everything out, but that is especially not appropriate for the internet, so I will keep it to myself. Those of you that know me personally are more than welcome (if you want) to ask me about it. But, internet, I will leave you hanging.
There is so much I want to write about right now - thoughts are racing through my brain - but I think I will save them for another time. It's late and I feel I have expressed more than I needed to on a subject for one night.
As one of my professors says, "Peace",
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sick. Ick.
Hey everyone.
I got sick.
I just wanted to give a quick update. I'm astounded that I'm ready for bed at 10:52 p.m.! I'm not passing up the opportunity to go to bed early. No way! The past few days have been late nighters followed by sickness followed by late nighters followed by homework... It's been a little rough. I'm just glad that I get to sleep.
On another quick note, it is my roommate's birthday today! We had a lovely dinner at Olive Garden and came home to fudge marble cake (my other roommate and I made a box recipe). Now I feel sick and fat. Yay. Haha.
Tomorrow I get to see my dad so I need to feel better. Come on immune system! Kick it into high gear! I can't get him sick, too! I think I've already infected one of my roommates (sorry!).
Well, have a healthy Thursday! I will eventually write you more often, just not right now.
Your sneezing, coughing, nose running, head aching friend,
I got sick.
I just wanted to give a quick update. I'm astounded that I'm ready for bed at 10:52 p.m.! I'm not passing up the opportunity to go to bed early. No way! The past few days have been late nighters followed by sickness followed by late nighters followed by homework... It's been a little rough. I'm just glad that I get to sleep.
On another quick note, it is my roommate's birthday today! We had a lovely dinner at Olive Garden and came home to fudge marble cake (my other roommate and I made a box recipe). Now I feel sick and fat. Yay. Haha.
Tomorrow I get to see my dad so I need to feel better. Come on immune system! Kick it into high gear! I can't get him sick, too! I think I've already infected one of my roommates (sorry!).
Well, have a healthy Thursday! I will eventually write you more often, just not right now.
Your sneezing, coughing, nose running, head aching friend,
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Rountinely Routine
Well friends, I have been a poop about updating this. I know, I know! I bet you're all thinking, "What in the world? Does she just not care?" I do care! I just haven't been feeling up to posting/have been sinking back into the bad habit of falling asleep before posting.
So! I think I will start a new routine. I really like blogging in the morning. I'm refreshed and ready for the world! It takes me away from feeling tired, having no clue what in the world I'm going to write about, and babbling. Maybe you like my babbling, I don't know. Anyways, I think this all revolves around routines.
I haven't really set myself up for a good routine this semester - most likely from lack of routine work the past few years. I'm very much a procrastinator and a perfectionist, as I believe I have said before. Therefore, I wait until the very last minute to get things done, will spaz out over them, turn them in, feel relieved, and do the process all over again for the next class. I'm realizing that it probably isn't good for my health or for life in general, so here is my proposal:
Get into a routine!
Not just any routine, a nice one where I am able to set up times to do homework, eat, do laundry, grocery shop, and work out. Gasp! Working out?! What's that? I've only been to the gym once this semester and it's a shame. We have a wonderful facility so I should take advantage of it! I also remember back when I was in high school that it felt natural and good to build a sweat.
If I can get into a routine for getting homework done in advance (or at least more than 6 hours before it's due) then I would like to get up early and go to the gym. The gym opens at 5 a.m., I think, and you don't have to pay the meters until 8 a.m., so I could go there from 7-8 a.m., come home, take a shower, and be ready for the day around 9-9:30 a.m. Not bad - especially since I don't typically have class until 10:30 a.m. That gives me around 45 minutes to get anything done that needs to be done.
I always have these grand ideas and never follow through. This one, though, I really should do. Not just for health of mind, but for my future life. I can't keep leaving things until the last moment. Not with the profession I'm planning to go into! Well, I suppose not with any profession. So, I willtry do this!
Wish me luck and have a wonderful Monday!
So! I think I will start a new routine. I really like blogging in the morning. I'm refreshed and ready for the world! It takes me away from feeling tired, having no clue what in the world I'm going to write about, and babbling. Maybe you like my babbling, I don't know. Anyways, I think this all revolves around routines.
I haven't really set myself up for a good routine this semester - most likely from lack of routine work the past few years. I'm very much a procrastinator and a perfectionist, as I believe I have said before. Therefore, I wait until the very last minute to get things done, will spaz out over them, turn them in, feel relieved, and do the process all over again for the next class. I'm realizing that it probably isn't good for my health or for life in general, so here is my proposal:
Get into a routine!
Not just any routine, a nice one where I am able to set up times to do homework, eat, do laundry, grocery shop, and work out. Gasp! Working out?! What's that? I've only been to the gym once this semester and it's a shame. We have a wonderful facility so I should take advantage of it! I also remember back when I was in high school that it felt natural and good to build a sweat.
If I can get into a routine for getting homework done in advance (or at least more than 6 hours before it's due) then I would like to get up early and go to the gym. The gym opens at 5 a.m., I think, and you don't have to pay the meters until 8 a.m., so I could go there from 7-8 a.m., come home, take a shower, and be ready for the day around 9-9:30 a.m. Not bad - especially since I don't typically have class until 10:30 a.m. That gives me around 45 minutes to get anything done that needs to be done.
I always have these grand ideas and never follow through. This one, though, I really should do. Not just for health of mind, but for my future life. I can't keep leaving things until the last moment. Not with the profession I'm planning to go into! Well, I suppose not with any profession. So, I will
Wish me luck and have a wonderful Monday!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Sunshine On A Cloudy Day
Well, hello there! It's a BEAUTIFUL morning today. Almost all of the snow has melted because...
That may sound kind of lame to people in California or Florida, but the typical weather for where I am in February is C-O-L-D. Yesterday was so incredibly fantastic! It got up to 60 degrees!!! The morning did look very promising for lovely weather - it was cloudy and muggy - so I wore my rainy day outfit. Yes, I have a rainy day outfit. I don't really know why, but I just always go for the same outfit when it's dreary outside - a dark blue, long-sleeved shirt, jeans, and my cute feather headband. And I was super excited to get a chance to rock my new rain boots - they're fantastically 60's inspired (in my opinion). Well, by the time I got out of my second class I felt like a loser! There was a guy in front of me wearing shorts and a T-shirt! I don't think I would have gone that far, but, man, did I feel overdressed! (Which is something I almost always do - prepare for what I think the day is going to be like and regret my decision later.) By the time my last class was over the clouds had parted and the sun was shining! I drove to my apartment with my windows down singing along to my Loin King tape. So. much. fun! When I got home, I threw open a window and swapped my long-sleeved shirt for a short-sleeved one. By the time my roommates came home I had sucked up so much vitamin D that I was literally loopy. I started busting out songs and jamming to ones I played on my computer. I think I scared the begeezes out of them when they walked through our front door and I screamed, "IT'S SO NICE OUTSIDE!"
The one thing I wanted to do, but didn't get a chance to do, was take a walk or ride my bike. That would have completed my warm, February day. Unfortunately, it's only supposed to get up to 49 degrees today. But if the sun is shining and there's little to no wind it may feel warmer. If it does, I am so taking a walk/riding my bike.
A quick note: I now have a reason to get up early and start my day. Rugrats comes on every morning at 7:30 a.m.! If I get up around 7-7:15 I can make myself breakfast, eat, and check my e-mail while it's on. Perfect!
Today will be a glorious day! I am for sure dressing for the weather - possibly short sleeves and a light jacket! I also have this formal thing going on tonight for an organization I participate in. (I'm starting to get kind of annoyed at just naming all of the things I do as organizations. Should I just come out and say what in the world I'm involved in?) I get to wear a fancy dress and, get this, eat at the mashed potato martini bar! AH! I'm so excited to get mashed russet or sweet potatoes in a martini glass! I'm not quite sure what the appeal is, but I am not passing it up! After the formal I think my roommate and I will be seeing a standup comedy show! I've never been to one, so this should be pretty sweet.
I am so glad this week is coming to an end! I know there's a lot to do for next week, but my mom may come down for the weekend so I don't have to pay for laundry! YAY! Hahaha! I'm just joking. I'll be super excited to see my mom since I haven't seen her for about 5 weeks. Oh! And I just realized my dad will be here next weekend! Gah! So much family time! This just means I have to get all my stuff together so I can spend time with them. Let's do it!
Have a fantastic, warm, hip-hip-hooray day!
That may sound kind of lame to people in California or Florida, but the typical weather for where I am in February is C-O-L-D. Yesterday was so incredibly fantastic! It got up to 60 degrees!!! The morning did look very promising for lovely weather - it was cloudy and muggy - so I wore my rainy day outfit. Yes, I have a rainy day outfit. I don't really know why, but I just always go for the same outfit when it's dreary outside - a dark blue, long-sleeved shirt, jeans, and my cute feather headband. And I was super excited to get a chance to rock my new rain boots - they're fantastically 60's inspired (in my opinion). Well, by the time I got out of my second class I felt like a loser! There was a guy in front of me wearing shorts and a T-shirt! I don't think I would have gone that far, but, man, did I feel overdressed! (Which is something I almost always do - prepare for what I think the day is going to be like and regret my decision later.) By the time my last class was over the clouds had parted and the sun was shining! I drove to my apartment with my windows down singing along to my Loin King tape. So. much. fun! When I got home, I threw open a window and swapped my long-sleeved shirt for a short-sleeved one. By the time my roommates came home I had sucked up so much vitamin D that I was literally loopy. I started busting out songs and jamming to ones I played on my computer. I think I scared the begeezes out of them when they walked through our front door and I screamed, "IT'S SO NICE OUTSIDE!"
The one thing I wanted to do, but didn't get a chance to do, was take a walk or ride my bike. That would have completed my warm, February day. Unfortunately, it's only supposed to get up to 49 degrees today. But if the sun is shining and there's little to no wind it may feel warmer. If it does, I am so taking a walk/riding my bike.
A quick note: I now have a reason to get up early and start my day. Rugrats comes on every morning at 7:30 a.m.! If I get up around 7-7:15 I can make myself breakfast, eat, and check my e-mail while it's on. Perfect!
Today will be a glorious day! I am for sure dressing for the weather - possibly short sleeves and a light jacket! I also have this formal thing going on tonight for an organization I participate in. (I'm starting to get kind of annoyed at just naming all of the things I do as organizations. Should I just come out and say what in the world I'm involved in?) I get to wear a fancy dress and, get this, eat at the mashed potato martini bar! AH! I'm so excited to get mashed russet or sweet potatoes in a martini glass! I'm not quite sure what the appeal is, but I am not passing it up! After the formal I think my roommate and I will be seeing a standup comedy show! I've never been to one, so this should be pretty sweet.
I am so glad this week is coming to an end! I know there's a lot to do for next week, but my mom may come down for the weekend so I don't have to pay for laundry! YAY! Hahaha! I'm just joking. I'll be super excited to see my mom since I haven't seen her for about 5 weeks. Oh! And I just realized my dad will be here next weekend! Gah! So much family time! This just means I have to get all my stuff together so I can spend time with them. Let's do it!
Have a fantastic, warm, hip-hip-hooray day!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Bad, The Good, And The Childhood
This has been a cah-razy week you guys. It's not even ThursDAY and I'm ready for the weekend. I wasted this past lovely weekend doing nothing but lazing around so I've been spending my nights and my mornings studying. Well, I just finished my last test tonight so now I've only got to write a paper and read a book for next week. Shucks.
A few things that have made today poopie:
I'm off to dreamland. Maybe I'll get a chance to see Rugrats when I wake up! Childhood things just put me on a direct route to happiness. Have a great day tomorrow! (...which is today. Gosh it's late!)
This has been a cah-razy week you guys. It's not even ThursDAY and I'm ready for the weekend. I wasted this past lovely weekend doing nothing but lazing around so I've been spending my nights and my mornings studying. Well, I just finished my last test tonight so now I've only got to write a paper and read a book for next week. Shucks.
A few things that have made today poopie:
- I broke off the handle on one of my knives
- I rushed to get my homework done
- My boots (the nice winter-y ones) got mud all over them
- I had to miss a meeting to study for my test (which I normally wouldn't do, but since there was a time limit on the test I couldn't afford to lose any study time)
- Rugrats was on when I woke up
- I listened to my Lion King Sing Along tape in the car
- Wall-e was on while I was eating lunch
- I've gotten so into wearing this one cocktail ring that it still feels like I'm wearing it even when I take it off (which wouldn't seem so great to some people, but I don't really wear rings so this is a fun thing for me)
I'm off to dreamland. Maybe I'll get a chance to see Rugrats when I wake up! Childhood things just put me on a direct route to happiness. Have a great day tomorrow! (...which is today. Gosh it's late!)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Test Prep = Death
Save me.
I finished reading all I needed for a test I have this morning, but I wasn't able to get to the studying portion. So, I've gotten myself up at 5 a.m. to get started. My test is at 10:30, so that should be enough time, right? Oh, except that I didn't finish the other homework assignments I have due today as well.
Kill. me.
I have class from 10:30-6:10 and then I have a meeting I'm running from 8-10.
I'm dead.
Come on, Kt. Let's think positive. You got up and now you're going to start studying. You know this material pretty well. You just need to work on keeping it in your head so it can be used when you take the test. You've already had a bowl of cereal and you're up and raring to go so let's do this!
Sorry for not writing yesterday. I'm trying to fix my bad habits, but as you can see I have a lot on my plate this week. I'll be freaking out about another test tomorrow or something. Have a great day everyone! Wish me luck!
I finished reading all I needed for a test I have this morning, but I wasn't able to get to the studying portion. So, I've gotten myself up at 5 a.m. to get started. My test is at 10:30, so that should be enough time, right? Oh, except that I didn't finish the other homework assignments I have due today as well.
Kill. me.
I have class from 10:30-6:10 and then I have a meeting I'm running from 8-10.
I'm dead.
Come on, Kt. Let's think positive. You got up and now you're going to start studying. You know this material pretty well. You just need to work on keeping it in your head so it can be used when you take the test. You've already had a bowl of cereal and you're up and raring to go so let's do this!
Sorry for not writing yesterday. I'm trying to fix my bad habits, but as you can see I have a lot on my plate this week. I'll be freaking out about another test tomorrow or something. Have a great day everyone! Wish me luck!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Anyone?
Again with the sleeping and not posting! Oy, you drive me nuts!
Well, at least I was studying before I fell asleep, right?
In other news, it's Valentine's Day! I like the holiday even if I don't have anyone to spend it with. This year, like past years, I'm giving out those little Valentine's that kids pass out to their classmates in Elementary School. Yeah, I'm pretty awesome. Problem is that I meant to make them out before I fell asleep. Now I have Valentine's to write up, studying to do, ug. Chocolate poop on a stick (it's chocolate because it's Valentine's day).
I don't want to keep you guys too long - and I really need to get back to studying and getting ready for the day - so I will chat with you all later. I'm going to open some Valentine's from my mom and then take a shower. Have a great Valentine's Day!
Well, at least I was studying before I fell asleep, right?
In other news, it's Valentine's Day! I like the holiday even if I don't have anyone to spend it with. This year, like past years, I'm giving out those little Valentine's that kids pass out to their classmates in Elementary School. Yeah, I'm pretty awesome. Problem is that I meant to make them out before I fell asleep. Now I have Valentine's to write up, studying to do, ug. Chocolate poop on a stick (it's chocolate because it's Valentine's day).
I don't want to keep you guys too long - and I really need to get back to studying and getting ready for the day - so I will chat with you all later. I'm going to open some Valentine's from my mom and then take a shower. Have a great Valentine's Day!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Canada!!!! And The Enchanted Notebook
Oh my goodness.
Someone from Canada has read my Jerry Maguire post.
It was probably just an accident, but that is just so cool!!! I have wanted to visit Canada ever since I started watching Andrew Bravener's videos on YouTube. Canada just seems like an amazing, winter wonderland filled with amazing, wonderful people! I would especially like to visit Quebec. It would be awesome to see billboards in French, especially since I might understand what they were saying having taken four years of French in three years. (That's a whole other story by-the-way. To shorten it for you all, I pretty much tested too high when I got into college and ended up in a fourth year class instead of a third year class. Whoops! Thank goodness the T.A. was very helpful and understanding of my cowardice to speak up in class. Thanks, Stev!) Let me sing their anthem for you! Oh, Canada, the land I call my home! Genovi-whoops! I just mixed up the Canadian national anthem with the Genovia national anthem from the Princess Diaries. I bet I'm the only person that does that.
Well, besides that exciting news about Canada today wasn't very eventful. My morning was lazy, which really is a shame since I would have loved to get some homework, laundry, or shopping done. Eventually I left the house to get some credit for a class and then I went grocery shopping with a friend, but that is all I have done. Oh! I washed my make up brushes too. Man, that's pretty pathetic. So now I'm left watching The Notebook while I write this. It's the end too. So sad, but I love it. They are never apart - "I'll be seeing you".
Now I'm just trying to decide if it's worth it to stay up late and work on homework or to go to bed early and get a fresh start in the morning. Oh no, The Notebook is playing back to back. It's time to change the channel if I want to do either of those options. I've now swapped over to Enchanted - a pleasing movie in a much different way. My mom and I watched it at a second run movie theatre for her birthday years ago. After that we bought it on DVD as soon as possible. It's not the best movie ever, but it's very cute and it has a wonderful amount of trivia if you look into it. They use a lot of people from other Disney movies - Ariel, Pocahontas, Belle, some of the chimney sweepers from Mary Poppins - and there are tons of other Disney movie references throughout. Do you guys know some of the fun trivia of Enchanted? I bet my mom's got you beat!
Bahahaha! One of my favorite local commercials just came on. It's an ad for a car wash, but they show a brown dog going in the back of the truck and coming out tan. Very creative of them! It strikes my funny bone and reminds me of their business. This, actually, reminds me that I need to take my car in to get the oil changed...
Oh my gosh! I just noticed that they're playing Under The Sea in the waiting room of Robert's office. Oh, the great trivia of this movie! I really wanted to be a Disney princess for a while last year. It sounded like the perfect job! My love of Disney + my love of little kids = best. job. EVER! My friend that went grocery shopping with me brought that idea back into my mind this evening. Maybe I'll look into it again. I've heard that I'd be in the right height range, being pretty tall. Oh man, I will definitely be looking into that again!
Well, I'll probably have something to eat and then get ready for bed. I'm feeling very write-y tonight, but I don't want to wear you out. Have a great Sunday everyone! "I wish you every happiness".
Someone from Canada has read my Jerry Maguire post.
It was probably just an accident, but that is just so cool!!! I have wanted to visit Canada ever since I started watching Andrew Bravener's videos on YouTube. Canada just seems like an amazing, winter wonderland filled with amazing, wonderful people! I would especially like to visit Quebec. It would be awesome to see billboards in French, especially since I might understand what they were saying having taken four years of French in three years. (That's a whole other story by-the-way. To shorten it for you all, I pretty much tested too high when I got into college and ended up in a fourth year class instead of a third year class. Whoops! Thank goodness the T.A. was very helpful and understanding of my cowardice to speak up in class. Thanks, Stev!) Let me sing their anthem for you! Oh, Canada, the land I call my home! Genovi-whoops! I just mixed up the Canadian national anthem with the Genovia national anthem from the Princess Diaries. I bet I'm the only person that does that.
Well, besides that exciting news about Canada today wasn't very eventful. My morning was lazy, which really is a shame since I would have loved to get some homework, laundry, or shopping done. Eventually I left the house to get some credit for a class and then I went grocery shopping with a friend, but that is all I have done. Oh! I washed my make up brushes too. Man, that's pretty pathetic. So now I'm left watching The Notebook while I write this. It's the end too. So sad, but I love it. They are never apart - "I'll be seeing you".
Now I'm just trying to decide if it's worth it to stay up late and work on homework or to go to bed early and get a fresh start in the morning. Oh no, The Notebook is playing back to back. It's time to change the channel if I want to do either of those options. I've now swapped over to Enchanted - a pleasing movie in a much different way. My mom and I watched it at a second run movie theatre for her birthday years ago. After that we bought it on DVD as soon as possible. It's not the best movie ever, but it's very cute and it has a wonderful amount of trivia if you look into it. They use a lot of people from other Disney movies - Ariel, Pocahontas, Belle, some of the chimney sweepers from Mary Poppins - and there are tons of other Disney movie references throughout. Do you guys know some of the fun trivia of Enchanted? I bet my mom's got you beat!
Bahahaha! One of my favorite local commercials just came on. It's an ad for a car wash, but they show a brown dog going in the back of the truck and coming out tan. Very creative of them! It strikes my funny bone and reminds me of their business. This, actually, reminds me that I need to take my car in to get the oil changed...
Oh my gosh! I just noticed that they're playing Under The Sea in the waiting room of Robert's office. Oh, the great trivia of this movie! I really wanted to be a Disney princess for a while last year. It sounded like the perfect job! My love of Disney + my love of little kids = best. job. EVER! My friend that went grocery shopping with me brought that idea back into my mind this evening. Maybe I'll look into it again. I've heard that I'd be in the right height range, being pretty tall. Oh man, I will definitely be looking into that again!
Well, I'll probably have something to eat and then get ready for bed. I'm feeling very write-y tonight, but I don't want to wear you out. Have a great Sunday everyone! "I wish you every happiness".
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