So! I think I will start a new routine. I really like blogging in the morning. I'm refreshed and ready for the world! It takes me away from feeling tired, having no clue what in the world I'm going to write about, and babbling. Maybe you like my babbling, I don't know. Anyways, I think this all revolves around routines.
I haven't really set myself up for a good routine this semester - most likely from lack of routine work the past few years. I'm very much a procrastinator and a perfectionist, as I believe I have said before. Therefore, I wait until the very last minute to get things done, will spaz out over them, turn them in, feel relieved, and do the process all over again for the next class. I'm realizing that it probably isn't good for my health or for life in general, so here is my proposal:
Get into a routine!
Not just any routine, a nice one where I am able to set up times to do homework, eat, do laundry, grocery shop, and work out. Gasp! Working out?! What's that? I've only been to the gym once this semester and it's a shame. We have a wonderful facility so I should take advantage of it! I also remember back when I was in high school that it felt natural and good to build a sweat.
If I can get into a routine for getting homework done in advance (or at least more than 6 hours before it's due) then I would like to get up early and go to the gym. The gym opens at 5 a.m., I think, and you don't have to pay the meters until 8 a.m., so I could go there from 7-8 a.m., come home, take a shower, and be ready for the day around 9-9:30 a.m. Not bad - especially since I don't typically have class until 10:30 a.m. That gives me around 45 minutes to get anything done that needs to be done.
I always have these grand ideas and never follow through. This one, though, I really should do. Not just for health of mind, but for my future life. I can't keep leaving things until the last moment. Not with the profession I'm planning to go into! Well, I suppose not with any profession. So, I will
Wish me luck and have a wonderful Monday!
i like the morning updates =)