It's incredibly late, but I thought I'd share this quick topic I discussed with my mom in the car today.
When you're a child you are taught that sharing is kind and generous. You should offer to share your toys - it shows good manners. But sharing your food? EW!
Food sharing in my book is limited to family and my current relationship. To me it's less gross to share germs with your family or the person you already swap spit with. Friends, however, I can't share food with. Here is my one way to share food with friends: If I get my food and have not touched it, I may offer some to my friend. They may take a bite of my untouched food with an untouched utensil. After that bite, I will not offer any more. If they want any more I will remind them that I have touched it and that it has my germs on it. If they are fine with that then I will give them some of my food.
That sounds kind of crazy now that I write it down, but it is exactly what I do. It may make me uptight, but, hey, I'm a slight germaphobe.
Here is a great scenario from my grade school years of food sharing among friends:
Friend 1: (eats an apple)
Friend 2: Ug, I'm so hungry! I didn't get a chance to get breakfast.
Friend 1: That's awful! Want the rest of my apple?
Friend 2: Seriously?!
Friend 1: Sure! (hands over half eaten apple)
Friend 2: Thanks! (devours the rest of the apple)
Me: (hurls)
EWWWW!!! I just can't handle it. There are just too many germs having parties in uninvited mouths. Yuck.
That's all for today! I'll write you tomorrow, hopefully earlier. Goodnight!
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