Guuuuyyyyssss, there's too much to do!
I was feeling productive a good 15 minutes ago, but now I realized all the homework I have to do and I've lost all hope. Man, I hate how that happens! There are just too many things to read and do I can't stand it. Hopefully writing this will take my mind of the quantity and put me at some minuscule ease.
Tonight my roommate and I ate dinner and watched Jeff Foxworthy on Comedy Central. I usually don't watch Comedy Central, not because I dislike comedy (I love anything that makes me laugh), but usually their previews of shows seem very...inappropriate. I don't know. Maybe I'd laugh my head off if I watched it by myself, but I lean towards other channels more. Well, he cracks jokes, like a stand up comedian should, but one of them made me really think.
He said that he really thought women understood men better than men understand women. And that women often over analyze men because we are such complicated creatures. The part that really made me think was when he told the audience what men are really thinking - "I could use a beer and I want to see something naked".
Of course I laughed, but honestly. Are men that simple? Then, excuse me gentlemen, but why are you here? I'm wondering if whoever created humans designed women to be the ultimate beings. We tend to use our heads more - something I feel men are lacking quite a bit. But we also have the ability to empathise and sympathise with others. If a woman was in power of a country, would she bomb another country just because they bombed ours? I doubt it. I think she would rather talk to the other country and negotiate something. I bet she would even give that country help (whether it be education, clean water, or supplies), so that they became sister countries that could rely on each other. So, why are there less women in power than men? Why are men in power at all? Why are they the dominant creature when all they want is a beer and to see something naked?!?
I'm starting to think that Topanga was right. Men should be buried underground so women can rule the earth and we will dig them up for procreation. ...except, boys are nice to look at. But what is their purpose?
(I just spent a good 10 minutes trying to find Topanga's direct quote, but I've given up.)
This is not a post to hate on men, and I know I'm over analyzing and taking something that is very much nothing into consideration, I just wanted to write out my silly hypothesis. So, guys, how do you contribute to life? Let me know.
I'll either be reading, listening to a lecture, or sleeping. See you tomorrow!
ReplyDeletei feel really disheartened and upset sometimes when i hear quotes like the one you listed about guys being so simplistic. but then i know many - or at least a couple - ok literally only two - guys who are not that simplistic. they think a lot and have great power for empathy. no, most guys are not exactly what you'd call adept at negotiation or nuanced communication, valuable skills in diplomacy. but some are. women have been socialized to stay out of and overlook roles that many of them would be much better at then many men, and this is tragic. but it would also be tragic for them to not be in these roles even if they were on average only just as good at these roles as men. it would even be tragic if they were actually generally worse, but could personally gain something from the experience. which must lead you to wonder if men could gain something from the experience of taking on roles that all of them might not predisposition-wise always be the best at. think of the individual person who could grow, not of the thousands who haven't.
also, take into account the fact that sometimes the game - especially the games of international relations and domestic politics - shapes the people in it more than the people shape the game. once a large scale, intricate system is so well set in the way that it operates, both women and men must behave in a certain way so as to play effectively in the system at all. this isn't to say that it couldn't be invaluable if you were even tempered, compassionate, and persistent and patient enough (which would be inhumanely so) to allow these dispositions to do any good. this isn't to say that you couldn't make a huge difference by breaking a trend in little, incremental ways.
overall, i think it's more valuable to deal with individuals than to be disheartened with what we can chose to see as general trends. because who's to say we're even right about what these general trends are; they could be more nuanced ;)