Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Snowball Of Thoughts

So I think I've finally moved into my apartment. It's been months, I know!, but I haven't had time (as I've said before) to put everything away. I'd still like to put up a few pictures and such, but besides that I'm pretty good to go! It looks so clean even though I didn't vacuum.

This surge of my-room-needs-to-be-organized-ness came from a canceled class. Awesome, right?!? I even lit some candles and listened to music as I worked. I'm not a candle person, but both of my roommates burn them so I've tried and realized that I love them too! Especially the really fragrant ones. The first candle I bought for my room was an oil candle and I never really smelled the fragrance. That was disappointing.

I'm hoping my canceled class tonight leads to canceled classes tomorrow. The weather is terrible right now. I've been looking out my window to see three snow plows follow each other while the snow is flying almost parallel to the ground because the wind is so forceful. Having class or not having class tomorrow really doesn't make a huge difference. I'm pretty good with what I have going on tomorrow. I just wouldn't mind a snow day, you know? So I'm wearing my pajamas inside out. I'm prepared. Bring it on!

I feel the tiniest bad on bashing men a few posts ago. Men aren't that bad. I've noticed since that post that men really are some of our great minds. They just like beer and naked people as well as their chess. That's okay. I like my shoes and dresses as much as my books.

I wish I had time to read for leisure. I was reading this great book All You Need to be Impossibly French by Helena Frith Powel before school started up again. It's a great book and I truly recommend it! It's a quick read too which makes it even better! Unfortunately, I have to read all my school related articles and books before this one. Well, poop. Maybe I'll read a bit of it tonight.

Do a lot of you use bookmarks? I often use scratch pieces of paper or even the receipt that came with the book as the bookmark. Sometimes I just memorize the page number I'm on and hope I remember it when I come back to it. Usually I get close and end up reading a couple of pages behind the actual page I was on, but, hey, there's no problem with refreshing your memory! As I was cleaning my room today I found magnetic bookmarks I got for my last birthday. They're really cute too - they've got pretty, little paintings of flowers on them with glitter detail. Very much for the nature lover (which I am, but I'm not. Another topic to discuss another time). Anyways, these come in handy more than I thought they would! I'm currently using one with pink flowers to hold the pages in my planner so I don't have to rifle through the whole things trying to figure out where I am. Fantastic!

I hope those of you out there that are experiencing the same weather we have here are being safe and cautious. Please drive carefully. As a choir director once told me, "There is nothing that you have to rush home for" and, really, there isn't when it can cost you your life. Just set up your TV to record The Office and you can watch it when you get home, safe and sound. Be smart and happy (hopeful) snow days!



  1. oh don't feel bad for bashing men, especially since it was a MAN who put the idea in your head in the first place! They really should consult with each other to preserve their

    And yay for snowdays!!! =D

  2. I use bookmarks...not real, produced for the purpose of being a bookmark bookmarks. But always have something marking my page.
