Saturday, June 30, 2012

Let's Talk

All right.

I've been thinking.

I've been writing the past two weeks about how I've been feeling through this let's-work-it-out and breakup period. Yesterday evening I realized I felt like me again. I was having fun and just hanging out with my roommate without thoughts plauging my brain. During dinner I believe I crossed a bridge in the breakup process. I wrote about it last night for myself and I want to share it with you.

I miss him. In many ways. At first I missed the relationship part. But, after thinking about it and letting a little time pass, I really miss his friendship.

This guy is a great guy. He's funny and kind. We have a lot of similarities which is why we got along so well and ended up dating. And now I just miss hanging out with him.

We didn't get a lot of time to hang out as friends before we started dating. Not really. I'd like for us to hang out again and continue to learn about each other.

I still have a lot of healing to do, but I'm trying to move on. I'd be happy if we got back together, of course. I realized last night one of the reasons I'm not letting go is because we didn't make this breakup decision together. I thought when our relationship ended it would be mutual. It wasn't and I'm hurt. So there's a part of me that wants him to come back so we can continue the relationship until we've come to a mutual decision to part. But, the other part of me really misses his company.

I hate not talking to him. I need to push myself to wait a little longer so I feel more stable to talk without bringing up the past. But now I have to agree with him. These past six months were a blast. I had the most wonderful time. He was probably the most stable and greatest relationship I've had so far. Another reason it's hard for me to let go.

I want us to be friends. To talk to each other and have a good time. The hurting part of me kind of hopes that maybe the spark will ignite after some time as friends. The other part of me doesn't care. I miss him in both ways and am willing to be his friend.

I will always love him. Now I'm more willing to leave that relationship so we can move forward as wonderful friends. Maybe we could do some of the things we didn't get to do in our relationship as friends. In a group maybe, if by ourselves makes it feel to couple-esque.

I miss you. Please talk to me soon. Because if you don't, I likely will. Hahaha

Friday, June 29, 2012


I was playing my flute a moment ago - going through some pieces that might be good for next Sunday. My embrouchure was hurting (I haven't played for a month and a half), so I took a break. And started dwelling.

This week has been hard and hurtful and full of tears. I thought I was getting better as it went on. That I was toughening up and letting go. But I had a major breakdown last night. And it feels as if I'm back at the drawing board.

I need to let him go, but I don't want to. I've got too much hope and faith in us. I don't want it to end just yet.

I can't talk to anyone about it, though. I feel like a nuisance when I do. My roommate says if I love him I need to love him enough to let him go. My friend tells me not to talk to him and that time will heal me. My dad says it takes two to make a relationship. He said on Monday that he wasn't willing to put in the time.

I need to let him go.

...but I don't want to.

We'll be friends. I don't doubt that. We'd be great friends. I'm just not there yet. I don't want to be friends right now. I want to be us.

And I'm scared that he doesn't even care. Doesn't think much of it. When he said he thinks of me as a friend that means he's over it all, right? But I feel like a cat left out in the rain. Soaked, cold, and confused. Why won't you talk to me? Why can't this be okay? Why? What did I do?

I have a million ideas of what I did to push him away. And they're things I'm willing to work on. I would better myself if it meant we could be us again.

But we won't be us again, will we? I don't think so.

No matter how hard I hope, pray, and wish for him to come back he probably won't.

I need to let him go.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer Blues

I am having a tough summer.

I haven't been posting on here because I was busy with school and with having a life. I had a life for a moment there! It was wonderful...but it's over.

The boy I'd been dating the past 6 months broke up with me yesterday. It's a complicated mess, but I knew the relationship wasn't working in his eyes. We tried to work on it, but he gave in. He let it go. And I'm heartbroken.

It sucks even more that I haven't dated someone for 3 1/2 years and have slightly forgotten how to grieve over this properly. I want him to be here and tell me it'll be okay. Hug me and stroke my hair while I cry. I love him and will miss him so much. Miss us so much.

I wasn't ready for this to end. I really wanted it to work.

It's been a rough summer.

I'm also unemployed. This has been the first time I've had real trouble finding a job. So I feel awful purchasing anything beyond groceries and gas.

At least we, the guy I was dating and myself, are now saving money. We don't have to pay for each other anymore.

But I loved that. I loved sharing time, popcorn, and me with him.

I wish so many things were different.

I was a mess the past month in this relationship. I was insecure and struggling with how he felt, how we were doing.

I wish our differences didn't push us apart. I wish he could look past mine like I do his.

But it's no use. He's done with it. And likely tired of me trying to make it work.

I just can't stop picturing us together and happy. Snuggled. Smiling. Laughing. Happy.

It's going to take a bit of time to get over it. And a lot of it is because I loved you. I loved you so much. I still do.

I said I would always love him and I will. I just need to let the relationship feelings go and focus on a friendship love.

It hurts.

I'm having a rough summer. And summer's only just begun.