Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm Back! And With Some Explanations

Hey everyone,

I know I've made a million promises write more frequently. As you've all noticed, that has not happened whatsoever. I don't want to come up with more excuses for you since most of them are, "I was tired" or "I was busy", but I thought I'd share with you what I actually do in school. I've been asking you all for a while if you wanted to know and now I think this may help you understand my life a little more.

I am currently going to college and majoring in elementary education and vocal performance. No, that does not mean I am majoring in music education, although I am asked that almost every time I state my majors. I honestly want to be a plain elementary school teacher. I love kids and I think it is incredibly important to give them a solid foundation of education so they can grow and become anything they want to be.

Music, on the other hand, is something that has been ever present in my life since the day I was born. I've sang, played the flute, played handbells, and dabbled on the piano for years and I did not feel like giving it up when I went to college. My mom and dad encouraged me to take up a music major thinking it could be a backup, since the college of education here does not accept students into their program until they have acquired a certain number of semester hours. Occasionally I blame them for my stressed out self since they really pushed me to do it, but I am quite happy being a music major.

That being said I must tell you about my extra-curriculars. I am not just participating in my education and music classes. Who would go to college just to do that? You have to take the opportunities given to you! So, I also participate in our marching band playing the piccolo (for those of you who are instrument-illiterate, the piccolo is the very small looking flute). I didn't want to give up my flute abilities, or marching band for that matter, so I also joined the university's concert band. Participating in both of these does provide me with credits I need for my music major, but I consider them extra curriculars since I do not necessarily need to be involved in them.

I am also involved in a small women's accapella group - I'm the music director! The group was founded my freshman year and has come a very long way since then - we are now being given some opportunities to perform which we had to really work for a year ago.

You didn't think I was done, did you? Oh no, no, no, no way was I done. I'm also the treasurer of our chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota, the women's music fraternity. I'm not one to call myself a sorority girl (I don't think I would fit in with those girls very well), but S.A.I. is nowhere near a sorority. We work hard to put music in the community, help out musical philanthropies, and participate in service projects promoting music education or music therapy.

Last of all - thank goodness, right? - I'm a board member of an honors society, Phi Eta Sigma. This society does not have meetings very often, but does a lot of volunteer/service projects around the community. It is made up of students that were accepted into the organization their freshman year- that were invited to join due to their high GPA - and provides the opportunity to graduate with honors chords if you participate in meetings and events.

Mix that all together and you've got me! Some of these organizations and extra curriculars require more work than others - my two majors, S.A.I. and Take Note require a bit more effort (in my opinion) than Phi Eta Sigma, concert band, and marching band - but I would never, ever quit them. Yes, I've thought about saving my sanity and quitting at some point, but I always think that I would just end up missing that activity or joining another one to take its place. I wish I had more time to do other activities, but I don't think my brain could take it.

I hope that provides some insight into what I really do. Now I can feel more honest with you all in saying that I'm off to a rehearsal instead of a meeting. I truly hope I can post more often, but it is close to the end of the semester and many projects, papers, and exams are coming up. I will try, but I will not make promises as I did before.

Have a wonderful morning everyone! I'm off to do some laundry and turn in my recycling.


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