Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Being Yourself Is Hard...Apparently

Hey everyone,

Do you ever have one of those days? Or one of those hours? A time when things just all seem a little...hopeless?

I get in these moods occasionally, depending on what's going on around me. I'm in one of those moods at the moment. I don't feel accepted - I feel like a loser. I know I'm not, but it's hard to tell myself that.

I'm not the most outgoing person, especially after coming to college. For some reason I got a lot quieter in college. I can come up with some explanations, but I still get so frustrated. Why can't I just be myself - loud and proud? Why don't I try? Well, because I don't think changing anything now will help, that's why.

Of course I've got homework to finish so I will try to coax myself out of this mood with some chocolate milk and strawberries. Then I'll work on my homework and be so productive I'll forget about these yucky feelings.

I'll write you all again soon.

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