Thursday, August 25, 2011

Let's Have A Good Day!

Hello everyone!

I'm up and I thought I'd say, "Hi!" to you all before I started getting ready for today.

Putting pressure on specific days to be wonderful often leads to disaster, right? Well, that's what often happens to me. I'll think, "This is going to be such a great day" and I'll end up stepping in a puddle, spilling food on myself, and the like. I'm going to put a little bit of that pressure on myself today. I want this day to go really well. I guess I just really want my choir audition to go well.

Pretty silly, right? But seriously! I want to be in the good choir! Not that I wasn't in one of the better choirs last year, but this year I want to seriously kick some butt and be in the top choir. My professor believed that I could do it last year and yet I didn't make it. I want to do it this year. And I want it pretty bad. It's a smaller ensemble and they sound so wonderful together. I'd like to be a part of it.

I've weighed the pros and cons of being in either choir. It really wouldn't be awful to be in the choir I was in last year - I'd probably be with a lot of friends. But, to honor my own determination I'd prefer (I think) to be in the top choir.

So! I will be getting showered, dressed, and ready for class with the intentions of spending some quality time in the practice room warming up my range, working on my sight reading, plunking out some pitch memory exercises, and reviewing the piece I plan to sing. I hope that will be enough to get me prepared.

Wish me luck! Or "Break a leg"! I'll write to you again soon.

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