Sunday, February 6, 2011

Let's Recap That

Oh gosh, guys! I'm so sorry for (again) making you wait! Of course, last night I got so darn tired that I fell asleep before writing. Let me recap yesterday and today for you!

Yesterday was the fashion show. I woke up early to go to my 8:45 hair appointment and ended up getting there about 5 minutes early (which is a pretty big accomplishment for me as I tend to be a bit late to things. When I need to be somewhere on time I will try my hardest). The other girls that were getting their hair done in the same time slot as mine got stuck in traffic, but ended up practically early for the appointment since the stylists were still working on some other girl's hair. (By the way, this was completely a volunteer thing. I was not paid to do it - it was just something I was more than willing to do!) After I got my hair done - which ended up quite pretty - I got my fingernails painted with a clear coat and headed to the venue to get my make-up done. I've never used Mary Kay make-up, but that's what was used on all of us. It turned out really well, except for the fact that my foundation was a good two to three shades darker than my normal skin tone. Whoops! It looked like a decent match in the dark bathroom where they were doing our make-up.

We had some down time between getting everything done - hair, nails, and make-up - so I went home, ate lunch, grabbed my roommate, picked up my friend, started driving, called a girl at the venue to tell her I forgot my shoes, drove back to my place, grabbed my shoes, and then got to the venue. I was a bit later than the call time (which was noon), but we weren't being asked to do much of anything until 1:15 so it was all good. The runway show itself was interesting. It was fun, but most of us had dresses that were a little bit too big so we were trying to focus on not letting the dresses slip on us while we walked. I decided to use the hands-on-my-hips method to keep my dresses from moving anywhere they shouldn't.

Although I got myself all decked out for this show and I got to walk the runway I think my favorite part of the day was going to eat with my roommate and my friend right after the show. They were hungry (I had picked them up around 11:30, so they probably didn't have lunch) so we stopped somewhere on our way back. It ended up being such a good time! My two friends (my roommate and my other friend) aren't very talkative, but they ended up getting pretty comfortable with each other and we had a blast just gabbing about things. I miss having days where you spend hours just talking with your friends. I may end up feeling a little guilty later considering I almost always have work to be doing, but it's important to have that social part of my life at least somewhat active. I'll take what I can get.

After I dropped my friend off my roommate and I returned Inception (my roommate had never seen it before and loved it. Huge recommendation here.) and then went to the grocery store for our weekly run and also to get some supplies to make our own pizzas! My roommate is vegetarian with a vegan interest (she did not skip on the cheese tonight, but she's been trying a bunch of different recipes. She has her own blog too!: so the only extra thing she wanted on her pizza was broccoli. I was up for that too, but I decided to add some turkey sausage (they didn't have turkey pepperoni, those poops) and some zucchini. Friends, this ended up being an AMAZING pizza. Holy fish on a stick! I'd forgotten how much better homemade (even if the dough comes pre packaged) pizzas are than frozen. I need to remember this so I don't waste money on junky frozen pizzas thinking they'll be wonderful. I encourage you all to go out there and buy some pizza mixes or make your own. So much fun and it ends up delicious!

We concluded our night eating pizzas, drinking wine, having a few Valentine's inspired Hershey Kisses (mine were the cordial cherries and hers were the hugs and kisses), and watching Twilight. That movie I don't so much recommend. But I read the books (don't bash me! I honestly was interested in them a long time ago and I'm not saying this to make myself sound any better. It's fact. My roommate was reading them, back in the day, and the idea of it interested me so she bought me Twilight for my birthday. No one at the party knew what in the world it was! haha) so it's fun to watch the horrible acting. Anyone else feel that way? I think most people do.

Today was a mish mosh of things. I had a meeting at 1 p.m. (there was one amazing thing that happened at this meeting. We were all placed very close to a window and we saw a huge hawk land on the closest tree. It was awe inspiring!) and another meeting from 2:30-4 p.m. and then I spent the rest of the day picking up my friend (same one from yesterday) so we could all hang out and watch the Superbowl. We're all into football (myself probably a bit less than the two of them), but we all agreed that we were mainly watching the Superbowl for the commercials. There were a few funny ones that I missed because I had to take a restroom break so I hope I'm able to find them online later. They'll turn up somewhere or other on the interwebs.

Well everyone, that was pretty much what I had to say today. I'm so sorry again for making you wait! I've gotten into some bad habits the past few days (not writing this blog and falling asleep before washing my face or even changing. Oh, Kt.), but I hope to put them to rest. I will write to you guys tomorrow! Have a wonderful, non-bad habits day!

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