Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hello, Mac Users!

I was looking at my blog audience today and I noticed that many of you out there are Mac users. Actually, more than half of my viewers are Mac users! I told my roommate and she said, "Mac people are blog people." - I laughed.

Mac users, do you think of yourself as big blog readers/users? Seeing this makes me want to take a survey of all my friends and see if the Mac users are more into blogs than the P.C. users!

I'm such a nerd.

I'm a P.C. user and I'm honestly scared of changing into a Mac user. I've had to use a Mac for a few things and it all seems very foreign to me. I like my P.C. even though it can get viruses and glitches, but Macs are so trendy and hip. And I've played with an iPad before - so fun!

What do you think? Are you pro Mac or pro P.C.? Have any of you used both and have a preference?

I have a lot of work to get done today and tomorrow (read: so. much. reading!).

Have a great day tomorrow - I'll be a little worker bee! Haha, goodnight!


  1. haha, well at my school 75% of people use macs, and the other 25% is highly disappointed that they do not own a mac. So it's hard for me to comment on the differences between mac users and other people because it seems like everyone I know (oh, besides my roommate, which is really funny actually. She's a little cautious / attached to PCs / is only just now starting to get over the 90s idea that the two systems weren't compatible). I obviously prefer macs. It took me like a week to get genuinely comfortable with my mac after getting it, not being an incredibly tech-savy person. But by genuinely comfortable I mean absolutely 100% intuitively used to my mac. It was easy to use pretty much right from the start, and it was pretty obvious pretty quickly how much easier it was to save, find, and open things. I get very cranky now when I use a PC because I honestly just don't remember what I name files or where I put them any more because I just don't have to. And omg the whole idea of having to chose what program to open a file with sometimes just pisses me off - I don't understand why PCs can't just automatically figure it out. It's just a file - open it!! Not to get started on how PCs don't have calendars (or well, maybe they have calendars, but not whatever calendar it is that only mac's have that is so universally good and used that everyone just calls it a "calendar" and not a "mac calendar"). PCs don't have iChat. iTunes looks weird on a PC. Hell, I even think Microsoft Word is harder to use on a PC. And idk if I had a PC I'd find the whole idea that my computer might just shut down and/or crash and/or malfunction some day to be incredibly unnerving. And the mouses just don't work well on PC's! That's so annoying! The cursor just doesn't move! And you can't just do intuitive little things with your fingers on the mousepad to make things happen! Really, the fact that Windows keeps trying (and failing) to be more and more like Mac OS X every year should probably tell you something. Umm what else. The dashboard's pretty cool; I like knowing what temperature it is and what precipitation to expect. I like being able to understand how to change my settings for once. I like the way things look on a mac - the overall aesthetic and the way you can layer screens and the way opening downloads and documents work. Oh! And if you ever want to move anything ever - or upload something or anything remotely similar to that - you can just move the file with your mouse and it makes a plopping sound. It's just so intuitive. You think "I want this to be there..." and you just move your mouse the way you intuitively imagine the file/folder/picture/whatever moving from one place to another, and it's there. lol. And I like the boing sound that things make when they move. Though, I must say, unless you have a student discount, PCs are definitely much, much cheaper.

  2. The one thing to get used to was that I didn't have to learn how to use it. If I just felt that moving my fingers up and down should make the screen move up and down, it did it. I didn't have to learn any secret random weird codes or rules to make things work, which is I guess what I had thought I'd have to do with getting a whole new system and everything.
