Sunday, January 30, 2011

Send Me Your Good Energy And Organization Skills

I hate it when things start getting too complicated.

I'm in executive boards of three organizations I participate in and the work continually piles up. Ug. I hate the feeling of not having everything together, but I think that feeling best describes me. I get so overwhelmed and just try to push it to the side. I don't want to deal with it. I've got other things to do! Like, homework. Remember that? So there's reading to do, things to be filed, copies to be made, AH! I wish I had an entire day to myself out of the week so I could fix catch up on things. But, of course not. I've got meetings to attend, grocery shopping to do, laundry to clean. Can't life just give me a break?!? I do more than I need to, so throw me a bone! Give me some time to clean everything up so I can have a life! You know what that is, right? The thing most people have? I don't seem to have a very good one. Well, it usually comes down to one or the other - life or work. Lately I've been choosing life over work which has put me in good spirits when I'm with friends, but is crushing my homework time availability.

I need to find that balance - that chi. ...Could someone give me a map?

My left eye has felt either watery or irritated by something in it all day. It doesn't seem to get better. Well, until just now when I think I found the eyelash stuck into my eyeball. Dumb butt.

I'm tired. I wrote that post yesterday at 2 in the morning so I'm more than ready to pass out. Please, send me some energy and balance vibes so I can get my stuff together. Thanks. Goodnight.

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