Monday, January 31, 2011

Me Angry. Here Rant.

I've got too much to do tonight to be writing a post before I pass out, so here we are!

However, tonight's post is probably going to be a ranty one.

I just got a parking ticket.

And it sucks because I was just running into the library to grab a few books for class, but I parked in the ONE SPOT that would get a ticket out of all the other spots. It's just frustrating and makes me angry. I ANGRY!

Actually, I feel quite a bit better now. I read a few other blogs and watched a video, so I'm much calmer.

I hate how easily it is to get more ticked off when you're already ticked off. Just shut up, leave me alone, and let me do what I've got to do! ARRUUUGGGGEEEEHHH!!!

I'd love to go somewhere and study (it would get me away from my room, which often is not the best place for me to study), but things are starting to close. I could go to the library, but I'd have to pay to park and we know how well that went this evening. GRMPH.

So that's all. I've got around 6 articles to read, 5 short books to read, and they all need something written about them. Yay life. Write you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. RANT.

    also, nothing like distraction to calm you down.
