Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Humidifiers, Hands, and Homework

I've done it! Finally! It's been a year since I got it and I finally set it up - my humidifier!!! I hope it helps. The air is so dry right now and I'm thirsty all the time. For some reason I think that my humidifier will help replenish the moisture into my skin. Probably way off from what it really does. (By the way, I did not buy a humidifier for skin purposes. I got it for my voice/throat.)

Winter air is incredibly dry. I used to be pretty okay with dry air - I never felt that I suffered much from it, just the occasional thirst. But since my senior year of high school the air has slowly crept up and drained me of all moisture. My hands were the first to go. They become so dry that if I forget to put lotion on them they crack and bleed. Ick, I know, but I can't help it! I put lotion on as often as I can, but I'm a germaphob! I'm constantly washing my hands. I was grateful to get some anti-bacterial hand lotion, but I never feel clean enough when I put it on. Washing my hands is the only way for me to feel truly clean.

My overall skin has slowly been depleted of its moisture over the winter days. Recently my face has taken a beating. Well, it's either the dry air or my foundation. Tonight I lathered myself in moisturizer. I hope that's okay. Normally I just put some on and am done with it, but tonight I covered my face and then concentrated on areas I know tend to get dry. I'm also drinking water as I write this. Please, winter, give me back some moisture!

Setting my humidifier up forced me to shove put some things away. I was cleaning out the area I planned on putting my humidifier in when I realized that that nook was the one place where I didn't have an outlet free - of course. So now it is shoved up at the end of my bed, feeling very congested (ha! like my head has been today.), but working at least.

I need to get some decorations up. This room is feeling much too blah. Because I never had a lot of time to get my room together at the beginning of the year I never got a chance to really unpack and put things where they should be. I want to make that a project for this semester, but I doubt it will get done. I'm so behind on readings. I know, I know. It's my fault for not catching up. It's mainly my fault for volunteering a lot of my time to other activities and spending my free time catching up with some of my friends. It's hard to tell your friends, "I can't talk right now. I need to study" when you really don't want to study and would rather be talking to them. Sigh.

Well, my room is slightly more organized, I've brushed my teeth and washed my face, my glass of water is empty... I think it's time to go to bed. I was trying to remind myself to do something, but I can't remember it. I hope it wasn't something important. That will bother me. I hope I remember before I fall asl-ah! I remembered! Haha. Well, I'll do that and then go to bed. Goodnight everyone! Have a humidified day!


  1. 1. The humidifier will help keep moisture in your skin. I've had the same problem. It helps a lot.

    2. Did you know that focusing on what you did right, and thinking about what went wrong as something more abstract...something that needs to be understood rather than something that SOMEONE needs to be blamed really important for making you more successful at achieving goals and having a healthy outlook on life? Assuming responsibility isn't the same thing as feeling like you're to blame for things that go wrong.

  2. Good artcile, but it would be better if in future you can share more about this subject. Keep posting. asthma humidifiers
